The bad news is that Y O E, Wolfe, jumped ship for a few
days and even worse news is Y Y E, (Ye Young Editor) Jim Downie said
he would do the Windmill if no one else was available. What a dumb thing
to say!
Roy Belosic led the flag salute, prefacing it with a
comment about the special attention we should give our flag as July
4th comes soon. Roy, then breaking from tradition, asked the audience
to sit down. He thought they might be exhausted from singing patriotic
songs for a whole year, and still never finding the right key. The 'sounds
and switches' man fired up a recorded version of the De Pauw University
fight song. It was joyfully received, with the audience clapping in
cadence with the music. Unfortunately the clapping became out of sync,
thus keeping the club's record at 100%.
Clawson Bleak, filling in for a no show, gave a fun kind
of Thought for the Day that went something like this: Compliment people
every day, look everyone in the eye, and be good to your attorney -
you might need him in the future.Clawson continued: " Here's to the
ability, to have the agility, to take your virility, to next year's
senility." I think that's the way it went. Never buy a cheap tape recorder
if you get stuck writing the 'Mill.'
Ken Lever then came on the floor to introduce visitors.
We greeted Jayne Spencer, a Ph.D. at UCLA, Amy Udani representing the
Cambridge House for assisted living, Shawn Amir Housman, Sharin Kiressel
from the American Parkinsons Association, Neil Zaslazsky, and Todd Gurvis,
both from the West Hollywood club. Let us not forget Judy Wessling,
Past President of the Rotary Auxiliary, who brought light to the President's
This Thursday sadly ended President Wessling's reign but
we greeted the meeting with a smile as a magnificent Mexican-style buffet
was served. The dishes were dispensed from the Pavilion Room, allowing
everybody the opportunity for several passes around the serving area.
If President Bob had done this a few weeks earlier, we would have insisted
on his serving a second term. I know he would have been overjoyed.
Just prior to President Wessling giving us a few minutes
to chat around our tables, Roy Belosic mentioned to him that he could
levy one last fine. He suggested that Jack Harris be fined for not clapping
after the De Pauw fight song. (For those not present, Jack's right hand
and arm are in a heavy cast.)
President Bob came on line thanking all officers and
directors whose help was deeply appreciated. Ron Klepetar was acknowledged
for overseeing the entire year of special events. Steve Day, for handling
the Rotary Foundation, Mike Newman, Tom Lenehen and Susan Allen for
their efforts in membership. Howie Henkes and Doug Desch were acknowledged
for their work in classification and Rotary information. Ernie Wolfe
and Floyd Dewhirst were thanked for writing the Windmill. Programs this
year were excellent, and those responsible were Chair Ken Lever, and
his committee including Steve Day, Mark Block, Andy Anderson, Howard
Siskel, Sally Brant, George Dea, Ron Lyster, and Jim Bechtel. Roy Belosic
was acknowledged for handling public relations and publicity. Bruce
Rolf and Terry White co-chaired attendance. Clawson Bleak was thanked
for his efficiency as club coordinator. Jack Harris and Bruce Harris,
along with Bill Maxwell and Y.Y.E. were acknowledged for providing music
each week. Tom Lenehen received thanks for acting as Sergeant at Arms.
Word has it he is being promoted to Lieutenant and will have a desk
job next year(just kidding). Harlan Lewis was acknowledged for handling
the Yearling program. Ray Zickfeld was thanked for taking over the club
Of course Judy Wessling acted as coordinator for the Rotary
Auxiliary. She got a lot of scoop from her old man while at the dinner
table. Mike Yousem was mentioned for his work with the Boy's and Girl's
Club. Howard and Eloise Siskel received thanks for their continuing
dedication to the Host/Hostess dinner program. Dick Littlestone, Bob
Younker, and Peter More received acknowledgement for the creation and
operation of the club's web site. Last but certainly not least Lenore
Mulryan and George Dea who served as co-chairs of the Rotary scholar
selections were thanked by President Wessling.
The ceremony ended with Bob being presented a beautiful
bell, and passing the Club Charter over to now president Steve Adler.
Steve came to the microphone and immediately made an announcement. Oh,
No!! It's starting all over again.
Has it ever been different? Driven by the true Rotary
spirit, friends showed up to honor the presidential end of Robert Wessling.
Oh how we enjoy each others company, even with the grim prospect of
a demotion. We squeezed among the banquet tables and yacked away in
pleasant conversation. The High Command honoring us that evening were:
District Governor Jack Jones, and his wife Betty, District Governor-elect
Len Wasserstein and wife Annebelle. Our very own past District Governors
Bill Goodwin and Andy Anderson with wives Judy and Pat.
We were surprised that the bartenders didn't wear masks
as they appeared to use thimbles instead of shot glasses in metering
the drinks. When one irate young lady asked for her goblet to be filled
properly, she was metered out another drop and a half. For those of
us from thrifty lineage's, this appeared a little shoddy, but after
five or ten thimblesful, who cared?
The demotion skit, although lacking in the historical
'trouncing' of the president, was nicely performed by a cast of thousands.
No, not really. Only seventeen. Come to think of it, that's a party
in itself. They entertained us with an absolute minimum of costumes
or props, and literally worked "in the round" which is not easy.
Realizing the cast were all volunteers, as are all Rotary
activities, we know these folks donated a considerable amount of time
for our entertainment. Take a deep breath, now. Those participating
were: Ron Klepetar, Sharon Rhodes-Wickett, George Dea, Steve Adler,
Steve Scherer, Steve Day, Slosson Viau, Kevin Komatsu, Elliott Turner,
Rudy Alvarez Mark Block, Lee Dunayer, Ted Ihnen, and pant! pant! Lenny
Friedman. The technical crew, consisting of Peter More, Roy Belosic
and Tom Lenehen, provided scripting and made sure all went smoothly.
Humor kept flowing, but Saint Peter, along with the deers'
ears were real crack ups. There were several women guests, who not aware
that Lee Dunayer's increasing tummy was a spoof of President Wessling,
thought his water would break before the skit could be concluded.
President Wessling gave one of the shortest acknowledgments
ever witnessed, leading to the only trauma of the evening. This reporter
fainted when Bob failed to make one of his classic announcements.
Attention: Rotary Auxiliary Members
The new Rotary Auxiliary roster will be going to press
this summer. If you have an e-mail address (not previously listed in
the roster) please send it to Margie Downie. Also, if you have any changes
or additions regarding addresses, phone numbers, FAX numbers, or hobbies,
please notify Margie before July 31st. You can contact her by phone
(310) 394-4827, FAX (310) 395-5011, or e-mail Jim
YYE, Jim Downie