With a combo of whistle and bell, we began to come to
order. PP ERIC LOBERG was asked about what he did, and allowed as
how he had been down in the mouth all day.
The rest of the time he is an orthodontist, and STEW
GILMAN has just architected their old office into their new office,
which is on S.M. Blvd opposite Century City. There were some confusing
remarks about price, and the figure of $100.00 emerged. When MIKE
YOUSEM came forward to lead the Pledge, he speculated that he'd rather
spend it with ERIC than with a plumber. MIKE was then led to admit
that he was, indeed, a plumber, located on Gateway Blvd just south
of Pico. There was general, though not specifically counted, agreement
from those present that Dentistry expenses were preferable to Plumbing
outlays. MIKE then rather plaintively noted that last week's song
was followed by applause, which led to some sympathetic clapping -
but the truth is, as MIKE admitted, last week's leader, ATHENA JACKSON
is indeed a lot prettier than he is… After this beginning, things
went downhill, as you can imagine.
provided the accompaniment for the Song, which turned out to be You're
a Grand Old Flag. While this title was more or less announced in advance,
it took a few bars from 'three fingers' JACK before most of us were
chiming in. But we caught up, and ended together, which is what counts,
YOE believes. We had one Visiting Rotarian, who was also a Scooter
- Ace Fernandez of the Makati Club in the Philippines. LEE DUNAYER
introduced his Special Guest, Elena Ostern, who lives just up the
street. Steve Lanzarota was the guest of SUSAN ALLEN - he is also
Manager of Administration for the Getty Research Institute. PP DAVE
MORE brought Eleanor, while LEO TSENG escorted Fred Sanborn, Assistant
to our Speaker. PP RON LYSTER provided the end to our beginning, with
an Invocation from Albert Schweitzer - to find happiness, it is first
necessary to seek and then find how to serve.
DICK LITTLESTONE asks for all corrections to the address-phone-email
sheet - Deadline is less than a week ago - Call him, OK?
Feb. 13th - Board Meeting, MARK BLOCK'S Office, 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 15th - Vocational Service Meeting, ANN ELKIN, 11:30 before our
meeting - and ANN, as a suggestion, put a bit more positive spin on
recent attendance, OK?
Feb. 22nd - RUDY ALVAREZ and International Service Committee, 11:30.
Feb. 22nd - SUSAN ALLEN chairs an update for all new members, after
regular meeting.
Feb. 26th - R.I. Conference - see PETER MORE.
Plus, PP TOM LENEHEN reminded us all to be concerned for our fellow
members - if they seem to be having a problem, please try to help.
LEO TSENG (did you know he is a Past President of the
Hollywood Club?) introduced his longtime friend; Dr. Roy McKeown, who
is President of World Opportunity International/Help The Children. LEO
pointed out that Roy (who is also an ordained minister) has headed this
organization since its founding, 39 years ago. They provide food and
spiritual support for children all over the world, including an annual
U.S. Senate Program of two students each from every state in the Union,
where they spend a week learning the basics of charitable support. A
quick statistic - they collect 100,000 lb. of food locally every day,
donated by restaurants and grocery companies, etc., and this provides
40,000 meals - again, DAILY, Monday through Friday. They also receive
gifts-in-kind of over $35 million dollars annually, and this is distributed
to medical facilities worldwide.
Dr McKeown began by reminding us what an involved and
caring person LEO is - they have a mutual admiration society, which
seems well justified. Roy's topic was The Future of our Youth. He began
by telling us about the U.S. Senate Youth program, which will occur
within a couple of weeks. These students, most of them student body
officers, are selected by their school principals. They spend a week
in the Capitol, and the training has some lasting effects. The program
has been sponsored by Randolph Hearst, who just passed away. Roy gave
a specific example - two young men asked to see him in his office, and
as they visited, he learned that both had attended Stanford, were now
attorneys, and they owed it to their 'awakening' at the Senate program.
In addition, one of our present U.S. Senators is also a graduate of
this same program.
Roy reiterated that the youth of today are an impressive
group - he sees a lot of them, finds them most respectful and eager
to learn from their elders. However, he reminded us that their respect
is a two-way street - if we respect THEM, they will always respond.
He also expressed his deep appreciation for the many
high school counselors and teachers who help our youth. He feels today's
students are better equipped than ever to meet the challenges they
will face upon graduation. Discipline and love go together, and the
results can be spectacular. His summary - congratulations to those
who are involved with our youth, and their support is worth the effort.
Thought for the Day - James Russell Lowell says, "The
trouble with experience is that it sometimes teaches you too late".
YOE Ernie Wolfe