ROTARY after our Christmas Break - 10 January 2002
Before I begin this report, I should tell you that I am feeling the
hot breath of competition for this much-sought-after Editorship.
RUDY ALVAREZ very kindly stepped forward in my place for the
meeting of December 20th - and his report was EXCELLENT!
Not only was the full program reported, but there were asides and
comments which greatly enhanced his telling of the event itself - I
was really impressed. However, it may be that when he
learns the full extent of the benefits provided by being Editor, he
may pull back, or even withdraw from this contest - stay tuned…
PP DAVE WHITEHEAD strode bravely forward to lead the Pledge. Next
up was LENNY FRIEDMAN, with GREGG ELLIOTT at the piano, as we sang
God Bless America. Now, I don't want this to be taken
personally, but some of us have 'key' problems with songs, and YOE
felt this one was too low. I am bracing myself for a flood of
outraged calls, suggesting obvious bias relating to my manhood, or
my tin ear - but in the continued pursuit of absolutely accurate
journalistic reporting I nonetheless place this 'key' item on the
agenda for discussion, come what may!
PP BOB WESSLING gave an excellent Invocation, asking for guidance to
our leaders in the world and in Rotary as we begin this New Year of
2002. Our guest from Rotary was Miles Pritchard, from the
Santa Monica Club. There were two Special Guests - PP HOMER
NEWMAN introduced Lillian Kliever, who is with Prudential Realty,
and PP BOB LUSK again brought Michael Gintz, Manager of the Westwood
City National Bank
Let's hear it for these two guys - HOMER and BOB are bringing in
live prospects, and we should all be following their example, OK?
And while on the subject of membership, we have just
recently lost three members - JIM GREATHEAD, of course, plus RALEIGH
SHAO is moving out of the area, and NEAL ZASLAVSKY has resigned.
Apropos of nothing else, here's a Patriotic Tip:
If you have been displaying the flag since the 9/11 tragedy, and
perhaps are wondering how long to continue the display - how about
doing it only on the 11th of EACH month?
Three Announcements:
1. Next week - the 17th - the speaker will be Gil Cates. Note
that he has produced the Academy Awards TEN TIMES out of the last
twelve shows! That record alone makes him someone you will
want to hear - and your guests would also be interested.
Second reason to hear Cates - can you
imagine working with some of those
prima donnas TEN times? This
guy must be Teflon coated - the Q&A alone is
something not to miss. Mark
your calendar, for sure.
2. February 11th is the Valentine's Brunch - that's a Saturday, at
the Beau Rivage in
Malibu. It will remind you of
Rick's' Bar in Casablanca - Again, Be There!
3. MARK BLOCK has assumed the Chair of
International Service - Thanks, Mark.
And, in a lovely gesture, MADELYN FIRSCHMANN has donated one hundred
dollars each to the Westwood Village Rotary Foundation in memory of
Pres GEORGE then asked PP MICHAEL NEWMAN if he had made any New
Year's Resolutions, but MIKE replied that he couldn't find his
glasses so he really didn't know.
This confession prompted PP JIM COLLINS to admit that his Resolution
was to learn to use his computer (which is something several of us
should also attempt). This led to the appearance of RUDY
ALVAREZ, who reminisced about where Hump Day came from.
YOE has to remind all that in an earlier eon, he, as then-Rotary
President, was not subjected to Hump Day - but sometime later,
apparently a need became apparent to mark the midpoint of each
President's term. There is some dispute as to when this need
surfaced, but suffice it to say that the 'event' has been around for
JANICE next spoke, with some thoughts on how GOERGE'S year has gone.
He has felt that he sometimes doesn't get a chance to eat - so
he was then served TWO hamburgers, with TWO malts (and maybe some
fries - couldn't see from where I sat). JANICE then commented
that she was looking forward to the next six months - as we all are.
Thanks, JANICE, for your nice input.
MARK BLOCK came forward, suggesting that perhaps Pres GEORGE would
soon need some legal help, and HOYER the LAWYER was designated.
This need had to do with the issuance of the famed Dea
Dollars, which qualified Pres GEORGE as a Counterfeiter! At
the same time, MARK kept referring to today's event as Hemp Day -
maybe that is correct, after all. YOE is not sure how this
particular problem was resolved - but an editorial
opinion is now called for. I LIKE the Dea Dollar idea - it's
new, useful, and creative - what more could we ask?
PP ERIC LOBERG felt compelled to explore the genesis of Hump Day -
and with ERIC, any subject can be risky if you worry about political
or any other kind of correctness.
ERIC did pose some questions, ending with the decision that he and
Mary would now go back to the Missionary Position! That being
said, he then had a string of one-liners, all of which were not only
funny, but well below the imaginary line he has been known to cross
upon occasion. A specific example of one of his questions - Why is
it necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin? While YOE
hasn't recently considered this, it does appear to be a questionable
activity… He concluded with the admonition that a clear conscience
is usually the sign of a bad memory…
PP TOM LENEHEN had framed a series of questions for Pres. GEORGE,
and TOM asked ANN SAMSON to assist in the interrogation. TOM
started by nominating Pres. GEORGE for Sainthood, (anonymous
question from the audience - "Which George?") and he went
on to describe why GEORGE qualified. For one specific example,
TOM reported that the Vocational Service Committee had completed a
project! Nuff said here…As further evidence, it was pointed
out that GEORGE had negotiated with the Bel Air Hotel and specified
that we would have no more than forty chicken lunches EACH year.
GEORGE'S birth in Hong Kong was noted, plus, by his own
admission, when he arrived in the Bay Area, he had no education!
Asked by ANN what the percentage of students who graduate from
the UCLA School of Film and TV and then actually work in the
industry was, he confessed that about one in five end up in the
field. There was some further interrogation regarding
restaurants, etc. - but none of these penetrating inquiries were
able to upset GEORGE'S savoir fare. He survived intact.
PP MIKE NEWMAN was the final commentator. He began by noting
what some recent Presidents had gone through during Hump Day. He
noted some other history, including the $120K that we raised in
support of Polio Plus - this was over forty thousand dollars above
the goal suggested for our club by RI, and it all was because of the
efforts of PP HOWIE HENKES. MIKE recalled the memorable
performance of former member LEE WALKER as a walk-on gardner outside
the plate glass window behind the head table - if you were there,
you'd remember! He attempted, without clear success, to wring
a commitment out of PP JIM DOWNIE to once again handle the
forthcoming Demotion - but YOE suspects that once the bell sounds,
old instincts will take over and JIM will be at it once again - we
certainly hope so. We learned that Pres. GEORGE was born in the Year
of the Snake, which of course occurs every twelve years in the
Chinese Calendar.
MIKE summed up his remarks by noting all the excellent
accomplishments CEORGE had achieved BEFORE he became President, and
concluded by noting, "We're damn glad you're here!"
Hump Day Chair RUDY ALVAREZ seconded that sentiment - and YOE would
like to add that having GEORGE DEA as our President is an honor that
we all are pleased to share. It's all downhill from here!
YOE, Ernie Wolfe