FINALE - the 28th at WVRC
PP RON LYSTER provided us with a bit of history, as far as how
the first Pledge of Allegiance was phrased. Then the
test - did we know TODAY'S version? Yes, we passed.
LENNY FRIEDMAN and JACK HARRIS took the stage for the
song, with JACK asking plaintively if GREGG ELLIOTT was in the
audience. He was not, so JACK accepted the duty. We
sang America the Beautiful, and there was a minor difference
of opinion as to which key we were in - apparently JACK was in
F, but with eleven other keys to choose from, some in the
audience choose another route. Since we're not in the
running for "Best Rotary Singers" it went just fine.
PP JOHN SINGLETON gave the Invocation, and it was well
done. While on the subject of JOHN, he and Joanne have
invited all those attending the District Conference to stop in
on Thursday late afternoon in Carlsbad. Their home is
well worth seeing - and a little bird told me 'a piece of ice'
might also be available. Please do call them to RSVP,
JAYNE SPENCER did a nice job of introducing the Visiting
Rotarians. First up was John Colville, from Paramount -
he is a Plastics Manufacturer, but his real claim to fame is
that he will follow Rick Mendoza as incoming District
Governor. Susan Hill belongs to the Villa de Alverez
Club - in Mexico -while Ted Rose currently belongs to Arcata,
CA. Prez. GEORGE asked the Spouses who were present to stand,
and there were quite a few. PETER MORE admitted that his
guest was the real author of our Website, his son Jeff. It
took Jeff about four hours - and the results really show.
Thanks, Jeff. PP RALPH WOODWORTH was with Robert
Avila, who is General Manager of the Glenridge Home Owners
Association. Bob Greer was the guest of PP JIM COLLINS -
Bob is a retired Continental Airlines pilot, and may become a
Special Guest. YOE had a Special Guest, Joe
Spooner. Joe is an MD, with an MBA, lives in the
Palisades and he works with the elderly. Prez. GEORGE
also had a Special Guest, Kaz Nihahara, a retired professor
from UCLA.
Husband and wife, Ted Rose and Susan Hill, next
presented an excellent report on Rotary Project Amigo. They
both have varied Rotary backgrounds -Ted belonged to Rotary in
Ferndale, CA, and Kirkland, WA. while Susan was formerly a
member of Emerald City, also in WA. This project started over
18 years ago, when Ted was in Colima, trying to find the
famous volcano, Popocatepetl. (Yes, all right, I DID have to
look up the spelling!) Anyway, he failed to find the volcano,
but while waiting three hours for his return bus, some
children from the Orphanage gathered round him - they were
fascinated, since he was so foreign. The memory of these poor
kids remained with him, so Susan and he came down the
following Christmas and gave them a party. Their
description of the need brought others from his Club down to
visit, and so Rotary Project Amigo was launched. Currently,
RPA provides medical and dental care to the poor in the State
of Colima, frequent enrichment activities, Jr. and SR high
school scholarships (school isn't free after the 6th grade in
Mexico), and for those that qualify, college scholarships
(currently, 61 students are on scholarship). They have
weekly Homework Clubs, staffed by volunteers over the whole
state of Colima, and excelling in school earns incentive
awards. Casa Amiga is the RPA boarding house for young
women students in Colima - note they focus on the rural poor,
most of whom have no opportunity to progress with their
education. An exciting sponsor activity is their
Voluntary Work Week program, which is scheduled several times
every year - you spend a week in Colima, helping in
carefully directed ways - this is hands-on volunteerism!
YOE has details, or you can check at Editorial comment - this
would make one hell of a great Club project for WVRC - think
about it, please. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "One
cannot sincerely help another without helping himself" -
and we all can use the help. Summary- this is a truly
inspirational project! Thanks to Susan and Ted for
opening this opportunity to all of us.
PAUL SORRELL and PP STEVE SCHERER have completed an excellent
quarter as Program Chairs, and they received some
well-deserved applause. PP JIM DOWNIE was warmly thanked
for fixing up our lectern and continuing to monitor and repair
our sound system. I was pleased to remind all our
members of how special GEORGE DEA is - his help with a
visiting patient at UCLA is another example of Service above
Here's just a partial listing of what will be going on at the
District Conference in San Diego. Thursday - golf
tournament, the train down, and a Spanish Dinner.(plus
stopping enroute at the Singleton's). Friday - We host
the District Breakfast, Vocational and Club Service
celebrations, Reza Pahavi as luncheon speaker, the
Tennis Tournament, and Hospitality Suites. Saturday, 5K
run/walk, new member breakfast, Community, Youth, and
International Service celebrations, Chris Lewis as luncheon
speaker, Music, Tennis and Golf awards, District Reception and
Silent Auction, and the Gala Ball. And on Sunday, Yoga with
Guin LYSTER,, an Interfaith service led by our own DAVE MATSON
and a noon brunch. Book by Monday, April 1st for the best
rates, OK?
NOTE -WVRC PAYS for all new members Registration Fees - a
bargain, so GO!
KEN LEVER was up next - this in spite of the fact that he had
the temerity to bring his wife, Beverly, along as a witness.
He reminded us of a previous interlude, and this was a
continuation of something loosely called The week that never
was. Recognizing that we can well use some uplifting and
possibly more cerebral intercourse, he then fingered PP ERIC
LOBERG, asking him for his evaluation of the recent boxing
match between Paula Jones and Tanya Harding. Before he
replied, ERIC expressed concern about an advance caution
voiced by YOE regarding ERIC'S known proclivity for racy
stories - and the pleasing thing about this, to YOE, was that
at least SOMEONE is reading my stuff!
ERIC started by titling this historic event "The Clubber
vs the Lover", or, if you prefer, "The cat scratch
in the desert patch". He noted that Paula was
gowned by Frederick's of Hollywood, while Tanya was sponsored
by Golden As a fitting conclusion, he
pointed out that Tanya turned tail, so to speak, and
ran…Referring to the sky-high ratings for this event, ERIC
couldn't help but be impressed when he later learned that the
most popular sports program on TV today is pro wrestling!
A word to the wise here - don't mess with this guy, OK?
PDG ANDY ANDERSON introduced our speaker, Chief of Police
Bernard Parks. ANDY, who as most of you know, was
one of three Deputy Chiefs when he retired, has known Chief
Parks for only the last thirty years, so we have to take
whatever ANDY says with the proverbial grain of
salt…Seriously, ANDY did remind us that all the criticism
that has erupted over Park's possible renomination for another
five year term comes from the Police Protective League - the
Police labor union, that is. This could be likened
to the auto workers union objecting to the choice of a CEO for
Ford Motor Company -it's just not done. Remember that
the officers of this union are all sworn police officers, paid
by us citizens, and protected by their Civil Service status
from any responsibility for their actions. (YOE would
guess there aren't many Rotarians who like unions…)
Chief Parks reminded us that only a few years ago, the LAPD
was in such terrible shape that they had to bring in a general
to run it. It was known as the best department that
money could buy. Chief Parker came in, and things
changed. The Police serve 4 million citizens in LA-
their motto is "To protect and to Serve". While
most of us may never be in touch with many city departments,
our inborn need for safety means we will all have contact with
our Police. The LAPD has a huge website - best in the U.S.,
apparently - and it eleven thousand pages tells of its many
crime prevention programs. A couple of statistics - we
average 200 traffic deaths a year in LA. 194 police
officers have been killed in line of duty. Those are big
LA is safer today than it has been in the last thirty years.
And in that period, our population has grown by 1.2
million residents. Why has the crime rate dropped?
Part of the reason is that we don't have as many kids coming
along - and youth have historically been the biggest source of
crime. Also, we have added between 2000 and 2500 new
police officers, which always helps. The most crimes
occur in the first few years of any decade, by the way. 75%
of people say they feel safer now than before - but the Union
keeps up the flack.
A bad statistic - of those persons jailed in the last thirty
years, and since released, over 80% of them return to prison -
and 40 % of all released prisoners come back to LA.
Chief parks commented on the homeless community, reminding us
that the great majority of them are mentally ill. They
were promised treatment, but it never came - thus they are
still with us, and won't go away. A large number of them
are addicts, and there are very few facilities where they can
be treated. And of course, criminals prey on these
people - they are easy marks. He noted that the police
are usually called in after everything else has failed. And
the homeless are more visible now than before 9/11
. There are 100 different languages spoken in LA. As an
indication of our racial diversity, there are more Samoans in
LA than in Samoa! Almost any foreign protest has
supporters in LA, since we just have so many diverse people
living here. We now recognize that our border with
Canada is the one that needs protection from entering
terrorists - they don't come in from Mexico. And we
should remember that we each have some responsibility for
knowing what is going on in our neighborhood - the Police
can't do it all, and certainly not without our help and
cooperation. Two examples of suspicions that should have
been raised - the flight students in Florida who weren't
interested in landing or takeoff, just level flight - what
were their instructors thinking about? And how many
drivers' licenses can come to any one address before someone
starts asking questions?
Q&A - and I may have missed some names here. I did
ask the first question - what is your reaction to the jailing
of drug users, as opposed to pushers, etc. Education and
enforcement are what works. Drugs should not be free,
and interdiction does work.
Judi GOODWYN - why do so many young people have mental
problems. The former crack babies are now growing up.
Remember, the family is where they learn
violence. Mental health gets the last public health
attention, and we badly need to show young people better ways
to live. Prez. GEORGE - has the DARE program been eliminated.
The Police Commission decided the 60 officers involved would
be more valuable on the streets than in the classrooms. But
DARE did produce good results when it was being used. LEE
DUNAYER - what are some comparable police forces. New
York has eight million people, 40K policemen. Chicago,
smaller than LA, but 13K officers. We now have 2.1
officers for each 1000 residents, and we should have 3, at
least. Note that Chief Davis said we needed 8500 officers
almost twenty years ago - and this was just accomplished
recently. PP HOWIE HENKES - does the 3-day workweek
really work. The pilot programs did not show the system
to be effective, but the new system is somewhat better - and
it will be in effect citywide soon. Where do our police
officers live. 80% outside LA, 20% here. RAY
ZICKFELD - do we effectively coordinate with nearby non-LA
districts in crime prevention. There are 18 such
areas, and we have good relations with all of them. LENNY
FRIEDMAN - what do you think of the succession movement.
I'm not in favor - there will be lots of tough issues if
it passes. JACK HARRIS - Governor Davis wants to close
nine prisons. - where will they go. We can house 160K
prisoners, and it depends on what future decisions are made.
[[ STEVE SCHERER - why is Mayor Hahn against you. He
wasn't in the election campaign, but he is now pandering to
special interests (read, the union).
Chief Parks, you could tell from all those who stayed beyond
normal closing time that we were all interested in your
presentation. Thanks for being with us.
Three members were with us who should be recognized - DANNY
SKINNER, who went to school with Chief Parks, BOB THOM - we've
missed you , BOB, and NORA AQUINO -come see us more often,
YOE, Ernie Wolfe