Disney Concert Hall - October 17th at WVRC
We began with SLOS VIAU leading the Pledge. LENNY
FRIEDMAN and JACK HARRIS took us through It's a Grand Old Flag, and I have
to report that LENNY's arms and hands are really expressive - good job, as
always. Since JACK was already up there, he told a joke, thus enabling us
to be seated after the song. BRUCE ROLF followed with the Invocation. It
came from Father Flanagan's Boys Home Newsletter, and started, continued,
and ended with rhymes - the last one being, Anyone who wishes, can help with
the Dishes. Well done, and timely, BRUCE.
BILL MICHAEL, apparently owner of that mysterious Learjet, was asked to
introduce the Visiting Rotarians, but they couldn't be found, alas. There
were some other guests, however. JIM BECHTEL brought Rich Farra, who is
also with Roxbury Capital. PP MIKE NEWMAN was accompanied by Carol Hodges.
Carol is the daughter of our former member, DICK HERRICK, and she has just
relocated in LA after being awhile in SFO. She is with WorldCom. Our new
member, BRIAN BUMPAS introduced his high school sweetheart - and still his
wife - Pat.
Prexy TED spoke about the upcoming
joint meeting with LA 5,
which will be the day before the Big Game (apologies to those from the Bay
Area, who somehow have the effrontery to think two schools up there have
undying rights to this phrase). Anyway, the date is Nov. 22nd, the place is
The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels - actually, in their conference
center - and we have one or two busses leaving from Westwood Methodist at 11
a.m. I found that there were quite a few signed up already - and note that
we COULD have a separate bus leaving at 10:30 for those who want to see the
Cathedral while there. You can sign up to sponsor a cheerleader or player -
same $25 bucks as for any other guest. This is a Spouses Day - but get it
on your calendar, and be sure to let SALLY BRANT know you are coming (bus
cost is $6.50).
BILL GOODWYN stepped forward to induct our two newest members, KAREN MASON
and BRIAN BUMPAS. BILL reminded us that there are more than 1.2 million
active Rotarians, serving in 30,000 clubs, in 193 countries and territories
worldwide. If you visited one each day, you could get through the present
list in just 82 years! KAREN was sponsored by BILL, and she is with AON in
Private Risk Management. BRIAN BUMPAS was sponsored by PP DOUG DESCH, and
his career was in Newspaper Distribution. As noted earlier, his wife Pat was
present, and she pointed out to YOE before the meeting that she was indeed a
Camp Follower while trying to stay with BRIAN as he pursued his flight
training all over the U.S.
Rotary Auxiliary will next have a docent tour at LACMA, on Tuesday the 12th
of November. Send your check for 25 clams to Petie Henkes - and don't miss
this, it will be another good visit. The Paul Harris Celebration is almost
upon us - November 2nd - and raffle tickets are being hawked by PP STEVE DAY
(YOE wonders if STEVE gets a cut, or if RUDY ALVAREZ is on a retainer in
pumping for our support for the auction prizes). But seriously, there are
some great ones - and note that you can fully participate in the raffle
whether you attend the Celebration or not. While not yet formally
announced, the first Yearling Breakfast of this Rotary year will be Tuesday
morning, 0730, at the Brentwood Holiday Inn. All are welcome - and in
attending, you will find that even though you may have been around for
awhile, you are bound to learn something new about this wonderful
organization we all enjoy. It's a fun event.
BOB WESSLING was next up, with another of his many plugs for that
educational institution located in beautiful downtown Greencastle, IN.
While it appears to be true that his Tigers (that's their team nickname, in
case you missed it, somehow) had a more successful recent outing than one of
our local state institutions, it still seems to this unbiased observer that
he (BOB, that is) should be severely fined for his constant claims of being
responsible for their occasional victories. Not to put too fine a point on
this, there are those who believe that the advice freely offered to Coach
Toledo by the writer of this scandal sheet is at least as helpful as what
the Tigers supposedly receive. However, there was one redeeming reason for
Mr. WESSLING'S appearance at this stage of the proceedings. He did have
breakfast while visiting Greencastle recently with Ben Scherer, one of their
green-as-grass freshmen. In case you wondered, there was only o! ne member
in attendance who tried manfully to stir up appreciative applause for Mr.
WESSLING'S remarks - and again, without giving up any secrets, this member
is a law partner of PP RON LYSTER. (If questions, call me and I'll reveal
his name).
I could tell that PP BOB was the program chair for today, since he was
nervously pacing back and forth at the parking lot - even though he assured
me that he had full confidence in the speakers eventual appearance. (I
mention this in case you see me doing the same thing next week, when it's MY
turn to sweat out the speaker for the 24th - former member PAUL WINEMAN).
Arvind Manocha arrived in plenty of time, and PP BOB provided some
background on his career before being named Director of Strategic Operations
of the new Disney Concert Hall. In this position, he has wide-ranging
responsibilities for most of the nuts and bolts operation of the Hall,
specifically the non-artistic side of operations.
Manocha began with some very helpful slides - the projector being operated
by PP DAVE WHITEHEAD, who did his usual commendable job. The current status
is that all the structural work is completed, and most of the stainless
steel 'skin' has been installed. The large skylights are in place -
these were delivered by helicopter, and it was a sight to see! The concert
hall is the same height as the nearby, and related, Dorothy Chandler
Pavilion, being the fourth structure of the Music Center - the other two are
the Ahmanson and the Mark Taper.
The architect is Frank Gehry, and during it's planning stages, benefited
from the advice and counsel of Ernest Fleishman, then the Music Center
Director. The intent was to demystify what the structure housed. This was
accomplished by opening the entire ground floor to view via glass outside
walls, thus providing easy access and unrestricted visitor flow. To further
encourage familiarity with this ground floor, all elevators from the garage
below end at the lobby level. Planting has just begun on an extensive
public garden, which almost circles the hall - this was the wish of Lillian
Disney, wife of Walt - and their family has provided almost 100 million of
the total cost of 275 million dollars. Incidentally, all this is donated
money, not costing the taxpayers anything - and that amount is less than the
cost of just one new Boeing 747, as a comparison of value.
One of the somewhat hidden features of the Disney Hall is the excellent
working space provided for its musicians. Such space can sometimes be
almost an afterthought, and so is a most welcome professional benefit of
good planning. There is a large outdoor Keck Amphitheater, primarily
designed for the use of children, plus a smaller facility inside, and the
Hall is intentionally welcoming to young people of all ages. What is
different about the main concert hall? It is designed in what is known as a
Vineyard Arrangement, meaning that there is seating all around the
performing orchestra. The farthest seat is only 110 feet from the podium,
and there are no overhanging balconies. The walls are sheathed in Douglas
Fir. It will open next October, and the plan is to offer up to 150 concerts
annually, making it the most active symphonic program in the U.S.
Q&A - DON NELSON, with the unusual shape and structure of the building, what
are its seismic capabilities. Design began before the 1994 earthquake, has
since been updated, and it should be the safest place in the whole city
during an earthquake. YOE, what is the seating capacity. 2265, about l000
seats less than the Dorothy Chandler. LENNY FRIEDMAN, what reaction is
expected from those seated behind the orchestra. Essentially, the newer
(and younger) subscribers will prefer it, with the opportunity to see the
conductor as he directs. CHARLES MAGNUSON, is the library open to the
public. No, it is too specialized and the materials available are too
delicate for 'civilians' to handle. Someone asked, what will the acoustics
be. The entire hall, rather than just the stage, acts as a sound chamber,
and it will provide a much fuller sound. In order to fully adjust to this,
rehearsals will start three to four months befor! e the opening public
performance. DENNIS CORNWELL, how will security issues be handled. The
Disney Concert Hall is the final piece of the larger Los Angeles Music
Center, and will thus be managed by the presently well-experienced security
Arvind Manocha, we thank you for a most informative presentation.
YOE, Ernie Wolfe