
September 19th, 2004, 2:30pm
WVRC's Annual Family Barbecue at Eloise Siskel's Home, Games swimming and vollyball, Great eats: hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, desserts and beverages.
Click here to download a PDF flyer
Saturday, November 6,2004
District Centennial
Paul Harris Celebration
Long Beach Convention Center
September 9th, 2004
Dr William Deverall
"California History"
September 16th, 2004
Mike O'Hara
"2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece"
September 23rd, 2004
Shane Waarbroek
"Promoting Club Membership"
September 30th, 2004
R. Duke Blackwood
"Ronald Reagan Presidential Library"
October 4, 2004
Joint Meeting with The Beverly Hills Rotary Club, Noon at The Beverly Hills Hotel
October 7th, 2004
DARK. See October 4th above
October 14th, 2004
District 5280 Governor "Pat" Cashin
The Governor's Annual Visitation
Today's Quotable
"Books are like lobster shells, we surround ourselves with 'em, then we grow out of 'em and leave 'em behind, as evidence of our earlier stages of development."
Dorothy L. Sayers,
The Unpleasantness at
the Bellona Club, 1928
Meeting of August 26, 2004
Our new Honorary Member, ELEANOR MORE started us off with the Pledge
JACK HARRIS and LENNY FRIEDMAN led us in song with the Beer Barrel Polka.
MARK BLOCK gave the Invocation, telling us all about the "Fundamental Principles of the Olympics." Before he concluded, he presented President RUDY with an Olympic Gold Medal for the "Fastest Rotary Olympic Driver."
LILLIAN KLIEWER introduced visiting Rotarians: TORY HETTINGER, President of the Rotaract Club of UCLA, RONEN NAZARIAN of the Rotaract Club of UCLA, KARL SCHURZ, PP of the Beverly Hills Rotary Club and his son KARL SCHURZ.
Some Announcements:
Club Secretary, CHRIS BRADFORD, announced that the next 5280 District Leadership Breakfast is scheduled for Tuesday morning, October 12th at the LAX Marriott. Registration begins at 7:00 AM, and the breakfast begins at 7:15 AM. Please contact CHRIS if you plan to attend.
President RUDY announced that the Literacy Breakfast is August 27th at Lawry’s the Prime Rib in Beverly Hills; President RUDY’s Ethics Kaffeeklatch is September 11th at the Farmer’s Market Community Room; the 5280 District Family Picnic is September 18th at Chevron Park in El Segundo from 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM; the WVRC Family Picnic at the SISKEL Residence is September 19th and tickets may be purchased from Vice President MIKE GINTZ.
President RUDY also announced that the October 4th Club meeting will be a joint meeting with the Beverly Hills Rotary Club at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
RALPH BEASOM reported that BRUCE ROLF is still at Berkeley East in room 314A, and can be reached at (310) 745-5901.
President RUDY introduced the Head Table: RON LYSTER, DONN CONNER, LEO TSENG, SHANE WAARBROEK, and our Speaker, DR. JEFFRY PADIN.
RUDY’S WORLD - TERRY M. WHITE correctly identified the Web site photo as the clock tower in Westwood Village. PP HOWIE HENKES added that the building was originally Marvel James Drugs (the owner a WV Rotarian), and was also Westwood Drugs for many years.
President RUDY also announced that the WVRC Website now contains "Spiritually Literate New Year’s Resolutions" by SHARON RHODES-WICKETT.
The FIESTA DEL VERANO was a great success last Saturday, August 21st. Big Thank You’s to President RUDY for the idea, the mariachi music and fabulous Mexican dancers, his daughter, ANICA and son-in-law, YOSHI, for hosting the event, and SPECIAL THANK YOU’S to the WVRC AUXILIARY FIESTA COMMITTEE: PAT & ANDY ANDERSON, SHARON & CHRIS BRADFORD, PAULINE HARRIS, ROZ & DON NELSON, JANICE DEA, ELEANOR MORE, SHIRLEY MORE, ELOISE SISKEL, DORIS SUMNER, MARION TSENG, JOY WOLFE, and BETTY WOODWORTH for all their hard work!
SHANE WAARBROEK introduced our Speaker, DR. JEFFRY PADIN, President and CEO of JP CyberTech, Inc., and a member of the Century City Rotary Club. DR. PADIN spoke about the evolution of "black box" technology in aviation, and its application to passenger automobiles. His company has developed the Automotive Cyber Entertainment (ACE) System, a combined system including audio CD, FM radio, GPS, communications technologies and a "black box" for tracking vehicles in an emergency and providing accident information. The ACE boxes are designed for the automotive after-market, and would retail for $1,200 to $1,500. The box is not, however, fireproof in its present design. To make it fireproof, the cost would escalate to between $10-15,000. DR. PADIN is hoping to more fully develop his product for the mass market, and is presently looking for private investors.
(covering for ERNIE WOLFE)
Rodolfo Alvarez
President Elect
Don Nelson
Vice President
Michael Gintz
Christopher Bradford
Past President
Peter K. More
Executive Secretary
Ernie Wolfe
Executive Treasurer
Don Nelson
Community Service
Lillian Kliewer
Edwin Gauld, Vice Chair
International Service
Sean Mc Millan
Kacy Rozelle, Vice Chair
Youth Service
Shane Waarbroek
Cathy Rezos, Vice Chair
Vocational Service
Lee Dunayer
Burleigh Arnold, Vice Chair
Pat Cashin
Glen E. Estess, Sr