Yes, a week from today DON NELSON and YOE will count the ballots – this will take place about 11:45 onward, and if you wish to be present, you are certainly welcome.  BUT – if you haven’t yet voted, DO IT NOW, PLEASE!  The ballots must reach us by meeting time on the 5th of August. Remember, if you don’t vote, you don’t have any basis for complaining about whatever the result may be.


But back to today, the 29th – HENRIETTA LIAN led the Pledge, followed by LENNY FRIEDMAN and two rotaractors, PIA O’NEIL and RONEN NAZARIAN as the song leaders, with PP JIM DOWNIE on the piano.  We did the first and last verses of America, and it sounded good.  BOB FLICK gave the Invocation, excerpted herein:  “We thank you, Dear Lord for your abundant gifts to us…and quoting Adlai Stevenson,”In America, anyone can become president.  That’s one of the risks you take”, Lord, we ask that you keep us from being distracted, …and help us to remember and remain focused on advancing the mission and motto of our club, “Service Above Self”.  Good Job, BOB!


STEVE LORE was called upon to introduce any visiting Rotarians, and we had TWO!  PDG RICK MENDOZA from the Redondo Club, and Ruben Perez, from Pan De Azucar, Uruguay – he was in the jewelry business. While I’m occasionally less than perfect in my Spanish translations, I think his city and club name has to do with Sugar Bread! Anyway, moving right along, there were several guests – PP JIM COLLINS brought Carol, SALLY BRANT invited Kathleen Wright, who is also with Coldwell Banker, and the husband of our Speaker, Dr. Milton Krisiloff was there in support .of his wife.


Two brief bulletins about our members who are ill –

RALPH BEASOM reported on BRUCE ROLF.  BRUCE is having a tough time.  He has been moved to Berkeley East, at the corner of Arizona and 20th Street in Santa Monica. His direct phone number is (310)745-5990, and he can take phone calls.  PP HOWIE HENKES is having the same problem that RALPH BEASOM just got over.  HOWIE is at home, and awaiting the results of another endoscopy.  His internal bleeding has stopped, but they still don’t know where it occurred.  By all means give him a call.  NOTE – these two men NEED our support.  Let’s show what Rotary means, OK?


CHRIS BRADFORD once again announced the forthcoming District Breakfast, which will be on August 11th, 0715 at the LAX Marriott.  Please reserve through CHRIS.  But before that, on Saturday August 7th, there will be a Seminar on Membership, at Carson Community Center.  It will start with breakfast, and end at noon. SHANE WAARBROEK is the contact person, and it will be a real learning session.  Our Membership Committee will also be meeting soon – stay tuned for the date, please.


And lastly, for August, there will be an Ethics Symposium on the 14th, at 1 p.m. in the Community Room at the Farmers Market, 6333 W. 3rd Street.   “Does the Four Way Test apply in corporate America”  Methinks our own Senor RUDY is much involved in this particular session. And of course some deviate in the audience asked, “Are you for it or against it?”  Just shows that it’s dangerous to allow the convicts to talk.  And a note on menus, please.  New member SOL DRESNER has approached the hotel management regarding providing some specialized meals for those with dietary problems.   They have the capability to provide these menus, so please contact SOL with your specific needs.  And appro of nothing else, I have meant for several weeks to thank PP JIM DOWNIE for improving the stability of our Membership Name box.  JIM put some spacers in, and they have made a real difference – not a badge fell out going back and forth to the Luxe, for which I am most grateful. Thanks, JIM.  RUDY’S WORLD was up next, and several members were suggested for ‘voluntary’ fines.  This means that President Elect DON NELSON then writes each of those so identified, asking them if they would like to pay a fine, and if so, how much. While it is true that YOE was one of those taped today, and thus the following may be considered somewhat self-serving, it is also true that such additional letter writing is really donkey work, and is it necessary? If we are to be fined, I would urge Senor RUDY to name the amount when he names the culprits who qualify for the Virgin Shelf.  Those with contrary opinions should feel free to let me know, but I think we ought to simplify the system, please.


We had a most interesting Rotarian with us, from Uruguay, as noted above.  He is Ruben Perez, and his Rotary Club has only 15 members.  Their town, Pan de Azucar, has 9,000 residents – but they do not have their own Fire Station.  Rotarian Ruben ha taken on the task of building their much-needed Fire Station, since the nearest one is 12 kilometers away – and the additional travel time can be very serious in controlling a fire.  He figures he will need $50,000 to complete the structure, even with the site donated, plans donated by a Rotarian, and cement provided by another Rotarian.  Other in-kind donations have been made, and he is seeking help from us and other Rotarians.  After the meeting today, I took him and Senor RUDY to visit our own Fire Station #37, and Captain Mike Kitaily was his always-gracious self.  He showed them around and gave Ruben some advice and suggestions. and we all appreciate his courtesy and help. This is a really necessary project, and we wish Ruben good luck and Godspeed in his efforts.


We then had a few minutes for table talk, to discuss the possibilities of our sponsoring a Charter School.  It was agreed by all that our earlier Speaker, Frank Baxter, provided lots of positive information, including noting the difference in funding provided by LAUSD to their regular schools and to Charter  Schools. The test results of Charter Schools were quite good, and the idea is certainly sound.  The start-up cost is two million dollars, and it takes a year to become operational. We also soon agreed that, should we consider sponsoring one, it should be in South Central Los Angeles, but with OUR name on it, of course.  This is a real challenge, and one we should explore further.


SALLY BRANT introduced our Speaker,  Flora Gil Krisiloff.  Ms Krisiloff has an outstanding record of community involvement and service, which began as a Public Health Nurse thirty years ago, and she has never stopped serving the community.

She was born in Hong Kong, raised in Thailand, and came to the U.S. when she was eleven.  She earned a full four-year scholarship to UCLA, and identifies herself as a community activist... Having lived in Brentwood for the last twenty years, she is a co-founder of the Brentwood Community Council, and serves as its Chairman.  Her organization is not one of the certified community councils, which means they are not bound by the exclusionary rules that limit these other councils.  Her second area of expertise comes from being appointed by then-Mayor Riordan to the WLA Planning Commission four years ago – which she also chaired for two years.   In 2001, Ms Krisiloff was named Brentwood’s “Citizen of the Year”.  She is also the recipient of the Paul Revere Award, and the City of LA 2000 Pioneer Woman Award, so her self-description as a Community Activist is certainly accurate.  She is a candidate to succeed Cindy Miscikowski in the 11th City Council District, since Cindy must step down due to Term Limits.


Her topic today is the Veteran’s Administration property in Brentwood.  This land, donated late in the nineteenth century by two individuals to the VA, once comprised 700 acres, and now has been reduced to 400 acres – still a large parcel, obviously.  Three years ago, Congress mandated that the VA in Brentwood put forth a development plan for the next twenty five years.  The first draft was totally unsatisfactory to the Brentwood Glen Homeowners Association, and she has worked closely with Congressman Henry Waxman and Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky to kill that first proposal. Her priority is that the land be used for the benefit of Veterans, period. Incidentally, the VA in Brentwood was the ONLY such facility to be ordered to produce such a development plan. She soon learned that the three-month extension given to the VA from Washington was totally unsatisfactory, since so many other agencies and interested parties must be consulted.  This time limit has now been extended.


Q&A -  BOB FLICK, "What can be proposed that is appropriate to this large parcel?"  The needs of the veterans must be met, including permanent housing on the property, which has none at present.  Saving some open space is also important. ELLIOTT TURNER, "Could they move to a larger site, somewhere in the county?" The veterans much prefer to use the present site.  DON NELSON, "Do you cooperate with the Brentwood Home Owner’s Association?"  Yes, we have very good relationships with their Directors.  Kathleen Wright, one of our guests – "Have you considered putting in a Golf Training Center?"  There is already a nine-hole golf course on the site, and the Training Center idea is one to consider.  PP JIM COLLINS, "How many veterans are there on the site now?"  The VA has focused on Critical care, and they are planning for housing to accommodate 360 permanent residents.  RALPH BEASON, "What about the plans for the Cemetery?"  The VA would like to expand its use, with more Columbarium niches.  TONY MARRONE,  "There is a real existing mess at the intersection on Sepulveda – can this be cleared up?" The problem is that some of the land is County land, and the competing jurisdictions sometimes don’t work well together.  This can best be handled through Zev Yaroslavsky.  MIKE GINTZ,  "Is there any present plan to help the many homeless vets who seem to just hang around."  Ms Krisiloff agrees, but nothing specific is in the works at present.  SLOSS VIAU, "The Salvation Army facilities have certainly been helpful," and she also agrees.  DENNIS CORNWELL, "The San Vicente corridor to the beach needs help – it is always crowded."  This is all part of the increasing traffic everywhere in LA.  RAY ZICKFELD, Cheviot Hills won’t agree to ANY traffic changes, in his experience.


And the last comment, by Senor RUDY – We should build another Madame Wu’s Garden in Malibu!  Flora Gil Krisiloff, thank you for your continuing involvement in our community and for updating us on some of the problems.


YOE, Ernie Wolfe