Click here for the official Westwood Village Rotary Club Website

FEBRUARY 17, 2005
Program Chairs: Shane Waarbroek, Ralph Woodworth

March 3, 2005
Mayor of Culver City
Steven Rose

March 10, 2005
Gregg Patterson
Manager of the Beach Club
"Clubs, relationships, community, and the new neighborhood"

March 17, 2005
"The State of the State"
Bill Simon

CRAFT TALKS on the 17th

Yes, it is truly said that Craft Talks are our best programs, and the two today maintained that standard.  However, before I get to them, I have to tell you that next week’s Speaker, Arnold Shapiro, has a terrific record as a TV  Producer – including an Academy Award, six Emmy’s, the Peabody, three Humanitarian prizes – the list goes on, totaling over ONE HUNDRED FIFTY awards for excellence!  He began his career in 1983, and should have lots to talk about.  PP ERIC LOBERG arranged his appearance, and will introduce him.  So plan to be there – it will be One For The Book!

HENRIETTA LIAN started us off with the Pledge, followed by JACK HARRIS and PP JIM DOWNIE taking us through The Battle Hymn.  SUSAN ALLEN provided the Invocation, thanking our Maker for the Presidents we honor, for Paul Harris and Rotary, and for Mary White Goodwyn, BILL’S Mother, who passed away earlier today at the age of 98..  TONY MARRONE could locate no Visiting Rotarians, but we did have several visitors.  PDG ANDY ANDERSON again introduced CANDICE, the VP of our Rotaract Club.  SHANE WAARBROEK had a guest, Tom Roberts.  HARLAN LEWIS brought Margaret, and Lew Bertrand  was with us – Lew is the District Conference Chair ( so we  did have a Visiting Rotarian, after all).

PP MIKE NEWMAN outlined the next several programs, for which he is responsible.  Following next week’s Arnold Shapiro, we will hear from the Mayor of Culver City.  They are apparently on the move, and maybe we in Westwood can learn from their success.  It’s an impressive lineup, and we thank PP MIKE in advance for setting it up. 

I reminded everyone that the Memorial Service for BOB TROXLER  was today, right after Rotary, at Westwood Methodist.  He was a long-time member, and we should thank HARLAN LEWIS, and his backup, SLOSS VIAU, for conscientiously bringing BOB to our meetings.

JACK HARRIS reported that LENNY FRIEDMAN is progressing nicely from his hip replacement, and with luck, may be back with us next week.  RALPH BEASOM indicated that BRUCE ROLF is still at Berkeley West, and visitors are always welcome.

At this point, both RALPH and I were summoned to the Podium.  You may recall that the city was trying to increase the number of Poll Workers for the election in November, and as it turned out, I was the only one from WVRC who signed up.  They gave me a Certificate, and the Club got one, also, which was received by RALPH.  Speaking seriously, I would tell you that being a Poll Worker was a worthwhile exercise, and I hope we’ll have a bigger turnout next time. 


March 5th – Corazon House Building Project in Tijuana – see KACY ROZELLE.

April 10th – Magic Castle visit, starting at 11:30, with brunch at 12:30 and several shows. ED GAULD or PDG ANDYANDERSON can take your $40 bucks.

April 28th to May 1st - District Conference, at the Doral Desert Princess Resort in Palm Springs.  As noted above, Lew Bertrand of Palos Verdes Sunset is the Chair, and he outlined the many activities.  We have Application Forms, and you need to sign up BEFORE March 28th to get the best rates.  There will be a Golf Tournament on Thursday, a ride on the PS Aerial Tram, and in the evening, they are holding 100 tickets for the  Palm Springs Follies – this is a fun show, but seating is limited.  The luncheon speakers are always good, and the fellowship can’t be beat – sign up now!

Here’s an unusual offer, OK?  A group of Rotarians are organizing a Poker Game for both experienced and amateur players.  They will only play Texas Hold ‘Em, and the number to call is (800) 852-9751, Howard Davis.  I have the letter, if you are interested.

STEVE LORE gave the first Craft Talk – and it could have been longer, but anyway…

He was born and raised in Southern California, and is a fifth generation Californian!  He graduated from LA High, and spent a couple of years at USC, in Architecture.  He is married to Dr. Anne Kelly, who is a psychologist, and they have five kids – two homemakers, two doctors, and a lawyer. After spending almost fifteen years in the Santa Barbara/Ventura area, basically tending a large plot of fruit trees, he returned to LA. 

In 1967 he met Kent Harris, who was the President of TravelWorld.  The company pioneered tourism to Micronesia, and this soon involved building hotels, since the area was new to tourism.  STEVE became the Construction Superintendent, and spent a lot of time chasing down the various elements in building hotels.  In other words, there were no local, on-site suppliers, and this took him all over the Pacific.  He became the youngest member of Wilshire Rotary, joining when he was 22, and his Dad was later the President of Wilshire.  He had to resign in 1974 due to his travel schedule.  His hobby is Track – having run ten marathons, and perhaps 200 ten K’s.

DON NELSON was next up.  He joined WVRC in 1992 – and about half of the present members were aboard that long ago, so he figures half haven’t heard his Craft Talk – and the rest have forgotten it!  Before that, he joined LA 5 in 1973, serving on their Board of Directors and one year as Secretary.  He recalls giving an impromptu Craft Talk some twenty five years ago in Oslo (on a Wolfetours trip, of course) Their speaker of the day didn’t show up, so we were approached, and having been assured that English would be acceptable, we all spoke briefly.  

DON’S parents moved from the Midwest to Lakeside, a small town to the east of San Diego, in 1925.  They had some land, and DON remembers, not too fondly, having to milk their cow on cold winter mornings before going to school.  As he said, it did keep his hands warm…He bussed the seven miles to Grossmont High, which was in La Mesa.

While there he was on the track team, and to this day holds the record for the 70-yard high hurdles.  It is also true that this event was only run for one year – but, as he noted, a record is still a record!  At UCLA, he went out for track in 1945 and ’46, running the high hurdles.  He also gave football a try in 1945, and moved between the varsity and the JV team.  At the College of Pacific game, we got far enough ahead that he got to play, and ended up carrying the ball eight times – for an even 100 yards!  This puts him into the UCLA record book as having run for one hundred yards – and he is in pretty good company here.  One of his eight carries, by the way, was a 60-yard touchdown run.

At UCLA, he joined Zeta Psi, and he and Roz met in the Registration Line – both were math majors, and they were married after they graduated in 1948.  At the recent Sweetheart Brunch, they celebrated 56 years of marriage. While at UCLA, DON became a bit doubtful about being a math major, since he didn’t want to teach.  When he took the aptitude test that was offered, he came out as a Dairyman – and that didn’t appeal, either.  However, he found his way to Haskins and Sells, and was with them for his entire working career of 42 years.  He enjoyed CPA work – and this led to the Presidency of the Los Angeles CPA Society.  The following year he became State  President, and in 1992  was presented with their top honor, their Distinguished Service Award. DON very kindly offered to show this award on an appointment basis…DON and Roz have two children, six grandchildren – one present son-in-law and three previous son’s in-law.

There was a joint Q&A afterward.  Here are some of the remarks – RALPH BEASOM wanted to hear Roz’s side – and she agreed with all of it.  ED GAULD  asked how major counting firms could stay away from the problems of the Industry – and note there are now only the Big Four (not 8).  TONY MARRONE wanted to know when STEVE graduated from AL High – it was 1956.  ELLIOTT TURNER opined as how it must have been tough to be a builder in Micronesia, and STEVE agreed.   PP STEVE SCHERER wanted to know if Don enjoys Golf – and DON noted that he plays better than he scores. 

PP MIKE NEWMAN gave the toast – Thanks to our Craft Talkers, and let’s remember BOB TROXLER.

 — YOE, Ernie Wolfe

Rodolfo Alvarez

President Elect
Don Nelson

Vice President
Michael Gintz

Christopher Bradford

Executive Secretary
Ernie Wolfe

Executive Treasurer
Don Nelson

Past President
Peter K. More

Community Service
Lillian Kliewer
Edwin Gauld, Vice Chair

International Service
Sean Mc Millan
Kacy Rozelle, Vice Chair

Membership Service
Shane Waarbroek
James Collins, Vice Chair

Youth Service
Cathy Rezos
Michael Gintz, Vice Chair

Vocational Service
Lee Dunayer
Burleigh Arnold, Vice Chair


     Pat Cashin


Glen E. Estess, Sr

Click here for the official Westwood Village Rotary Club Website

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