A Look Through the Ages at WVRC on June 15th
PP DAVE WHITEHEAD put together a great retrospective but before that, we got underway with the Pledge, led by CLARK McQUAY. That reliable combo of LENNY and PP JIM gave us You’re a Grand Old Flag, fitting with Flag Day just happening.
MYRON TAYLOR gave the Invocation, and that is always a pleasure to report. He concluded with “Bless us as we seek to be responsible citizens of our country and our community…help us to care for others and teach us, Our Father, that the great word here is Care, with the second great word being Others.” MYRON, as usual and as expected, excellent thoughts. Thank You.
We had no Visiting Rotarians, but almost the entire on-duty personnel of Fire Station #37 were with us, and we welcomed them after their individual introductions. LILLIAN KLIEWER brought her daughter, Christie. JACK HARRIS was with his Grandson, Andrew Elizalde, who teaches math and science in high school. LENNY FRIEDMAN brought along his middle son, Don. CANDICE DANESHVAR brought fellow Rotaractor Katie Mortuan.
PP CHRIS GAYNOR was presiding, in the absence of President DON, and CHRIS began by outlining his background and career path. He spoke about one of our Rotary Exchange Students (now called Ambassadorial Scholars) who came to us from Pakistan. He came from a background of some wealth but also with some pre-conceived ideas of what to expect in America, this being his first visit to the USA. He soon discovered we were a much different place than he had been told about and that, of course, is what our Ambassadorial Scholars program is all about.
CHRIS noted some of the many activities carried on during his term as President. We had a Tennis Tournament which CHRIS won, of course golf, Christmas Caroling followed by chili at the Beasoms. MYRON TAYLOR gave his wonderful Four-Way Test talk, and we enjoyed a Wine and Cheese party - which raised $11,000 for the MILO BROOKS Foundation! In 1993, CHRIS attended the International Conventionin Melbourne, where he met the District governor from the Philippines. They put together a Matching Grant application, which was accepted, and this led to our digging a number of deep-water wells in their islands, providing potable water, which was urgently needed. Rotarian of the Year was PP JIM DOWNIE, who had only 39 years of perfect attendance by then!
Moving ahead, the Gaynor accounting firm merged in 2005 with another firm and wouldn’t you know some wag at that terrible table in back could be heard asking if it was Arthur Anderson. According to CHRIS, they weren’t available…but on a more significant note, he did provide some advice on financial planning. Many people don’t do much of it, and when retirement looms, it can provide some rude surprises. So, CHRIS pointed out, don’t be among that group of none, or late, planners do it now! With an annual review of your status, you will have options when you get into the sixties, for instance and that is very much worth planning for.
He asked PP MIKE NEWMAN, whose practice is Estate Planning, to speak about this. President Bush ran five plus years ago on a platform advocating elimination of the Death Tax. Presently, it applies to assets of two million dollars or more, going up, and then in 2009, for that one-year, there is no tax. In 2010 it reappears, based on one million dollars, and going up again. The best guess seems to be that it will not disappear entirely so you do have to be concerned with it, obviously. However, PP MIKE feels that a parallel issue is Capital Gains and they will be with us, as they say, regardless! It sounds to YOE like you may need some professional advice on this…
PP STEVE SCHERER spoke about the recent fluctuations in the Stock Market. STEVE noted that he was President-Elect when CHRIS served, and PP MIKE followed STEVE sounds almost incessitous to me! Anyway, what seems to be going on is that many people are concerned with the Market, and they are all pursuing their individual agendas.
Some people worry about inflation, others about growth or lack of it, and some think a bubble is about to burst. He asked if we believed that prices were going up, and how many of us were better off now that we had been in the recent past. The raised hands showed wide divergence in our attitudes, and when he asked DONN CONNOR what he thought, DONN replied that he had been out of town, himself…The final word seemed to be, have a long view, not immediate or short term.
Firefighter of the Year
Ernie and Fumi
I came forward to welcome our Firemen from Station # 37 this is just north of Wilshire on Veteran, and we have been friends for some time. I in turn introduced Captain Mike Ketalie, who proceeded to name every one of the team members who were present. In addition to the Firefighters, Battalion Nine Commander Dennis Waters was there, along with Division One Commander Michael Fulmis. Paul Reyes was called forward, to introduce a community worker who has been very helpful and concerned with Station 37 she is Fumi Iwata, and she has almost adopted the men at 37. Brings them cookies, helps them cook, and looks after them she has been doing this for years, and Paul Reyes presented her with a special Sweatshirt in recognition of her years of service and help.
And as an aside, she remembered me as the travel agent who organized the Bruin fans travel to the NCAA Tournaments in the 60’s and 70’s! Captain Ketalie then called up John Van Hoesen, the recipient of the 2006 Firefighter of the Year award. We presented him with an engraved plaque, plus anointing him as a Paul Harris Fellow. John was very pleased and surprised and told us so. He was accompanied by his wife, Dani and two-year old son, Joseph, who of course was a big hit with everyone.
A couple of unrelated announcements, if I may:
Most important is to mark your calendar for President DON’S Demotion it will be on Saturday, July 8th, at the Bel Air Hotel and as you can tell from the Invitation, many goodies are planned. Don’t Miss It, OK?
Attention Auxiliary Members our Roster is to be updated this summer and I need to know if there are any changes or additions. In your e-mail address currently listed? If so, is it correct? Are you moving or have a new phone number or Fax number? An update on hobbies? If any changes are needed, please contact me before July 31st at:
margiedownie@adelphia.net or (310) 394-4827.
While it has nothing to do with Rotary as such, I just learned that the Westwood Farmers Market is coming back! They are moving to the parking lot at the VA, entering from Sepulveda, and their first session will be Thursday July 6th. Hours are 1:30 until 6pm.
PP DAVE WHITEHEAD provided our Program, and it was the History of WVRC, based on our 75th Anniversary Celebration, which took place on March 27th, 2004. DAVE used the same time frames this time around, the first period being from 1929 through 1949, then the fifties and sixties, followed by the seventies and eighties, and last, the nineties to the present. Each chronology was based on the music of that era, and he had some great film clips. Also, a number of historic photos were woven in, with the people featured being identified. It took a LOT of work, and DAVE, all your preparation really showed!
We started off with what I believe were the Meglin Kiddies doing a soft shoe routine and I have to make a confession here. I have never been able to tap dance, and I envy those who can and these kids were, of course, really good. Angus Cavanaugh, Principal of what later became University High, was our first Club President Others who were prominent in those early days Chet Howell, Chase Wanglin, Marvel Beem, Bob Bringham, Frank Redman, Syl Hansen, Bob Leonard Sr, Charles Titus (my PolySci professor at UCLA) and Al McDaniel.
The next twenty years featured Charlie Shannon, Hap Gilman, Max Dunn, Jack Potter, C.A. Elliott, Jack Pennell, Joe Valentine, Russ Grout, Joe Bailey, Jim Collins, Howie Henkes, YOE, and Bob Lusk. Again, some great music, and those jitterbugs were something to see!
Starting in the seventies, Club Presidents included Don Handy, Jim Downie, Sam Wanous, Yosh Setoguchi, Lew Stroh, Bill Peplow, Bill Goodwyn, Doug Desch, John
Singleton, Eric Loberg (and he’s reprising next week be warned), Howard Siskel, Dave More, Bill Bloomfield Jr, Ron Wanglin (first son to follow his dad as President), our author of THIS program, Dave Whitehead and Andy Anderson.
That brings us to the nineties and beyond. Again, the Presidents are familiar to many of us, starting with Jim Sumner (he of the often proclaimed Best Year Ever), Tom Lenehen, Mike Newman, Chris Gaynor, Steve Scherer, Ron Lyster, Ralph Woodworth, Steve Day, Homer Newman (thus reversing the trend, from son to father), Bob Wessling, George Dea, Ted Ihnen, Peter More, Rudy Alvarez, and today, Don Nelson. While we all realize that a well-functioning Rotary Club succeeds because of many members, it usually starts with the President, and that’s why I have named so many of them above.
DAVE, again, it was a great ride, and we thank you for your splendid presentation.
To Ponder
President Pro-Tem CHRIS GAYNOR did have a To Ponder, of course
Always smile it makes people wonder what you are up to…!
Sherry Dewane
Vice President, Northern Turst Co.
355 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Classification: Investment Management
Sponsor: PDG Bill Goodwyn
This proposal has already cleared the Membership Committee. Notify the Secretary in writing if you have any objections to the above proposal becoming a member of our club. If there are no objections the proposal will be submitted for final approval 7 days after the date of this notice.
Don A. Nelson
President Elect
Michael Gintz
Vice President
Christopher Bradford
Sean M. McMillan
Gordon A. Fell
Executive Secretary
Ernie Wolfe
Past President
Rodolfo Alvarez
Community Service Chair
Margaret Bloomfield
International Service Chair
Edwin S. Gauld
Membership Chair
Shane Waarbroek
Vocational Service Chair
Lee J. Dunayer
Youth Service Chair
Ann Samson
Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar
Ingo Werk
Monday, Beverly Hills, BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset
Tuesday, WLA/Brentwood, Chez Mimi, 246 26th St, Santa Monica
Wednesday, Century City, Century Plaza Hotel, or
Culver City, Wyndham Hotel, 6333 Bristol Parkway, CC, or
Wilshire, The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, LA
Friday, Santa Monica, Riviera Country Club, 1250Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades