Program Chairs:
  Shane Waarbroek and Elliot Turner
December 21, 2006   

January 4

January 11

February 10

February 23

Program for...
Thursday, December 28


Upcoming Programs Calendar...
January 4 - Hump Day
Note: First meeting at the UCLA Faculty Club.
Click here for map and directions.

January 11 - Carmen Apelgren
Braille Institute

January 18 - District Governor's Visit, [Spouses' Day]

February 23, 2007 - David Debacco
General Manager, Social Hollywood - "Creating and Developing a Top Restaurant
in Los Angeles"

March 2, 2007 - Larry Greenfield
Republican Jewish Coalition, "American Leadership in the 21st Century"

March 9, 2007 - Ted Hayes
"Update: The Dome Village and
the Homeless Situation in Los Angeles"

Special Events Calendar...
February 10, 2007 - Sweetheart Brunch
Lawry's The Prime Rib, Beverly Hills

Rotary Auxiliary Calendar...
January 10, 2007 - 11:30 a.m. Luncheon meeting to discuss "Trends in 2007," home of Roz and PP Don Nelson, Brentwood. Reservations $5.00, call either Roz or Margie Downie

A Festive Final Meeting at the Bel Air
WVRC on December 21st

First off was a Toast, by Prexy MIKE. This was aided by the presence of champagne, but, truth to tell, you had to be quick to get a glass! Anyway, MIKE noted we were leaving after 42-45 years (more on this in a minute) and reminded us of the many good years we had here. LEO TSENG came forward to lead the Pledge, and before that he pointed out that he, unlike most of us, was not born in the U.S. He remembers the first time he gave the Pledge, and to this day it brings chills up and down his spine. Truly, we live in a blessed land, and he expressed the feelings of patriotism that each of us should emulate. Next, LENNY FRIEDMAN and RICK CULLEN led us in Silent Night, and we done OK.

I had hoped to give the Invocation, and when Prexy MIKE asked for a volunteer, I leaped forward. Earlier this week I delivered Meals on Wheels, and one couple turned back two warm dishes. After my route, I took them to the Workers Center at Sawtelle and Pico. When I drove up, my car was immediately surrounded by about a dozen men, and I had to tell them that I didn’t need any workers.  However, I told their leader that I did have some food, and he got it out of the car, to be distributed. Then he returned to the passenger side of my car, bowed, and gave me the Sign of the Cross. I was deeply moved by this thankfulness on his part. It reminded me that some people don’t have enough food, and those of us who have too much should remember to share our bounty. I like to think this is what Christmas is all about.

Now, about how long we have been at the Bel Air: Our senior member is PP HOWIE HENKES, who jointed WVRC in 1952. PP JIM COLLINS came aboard the next year, PP JIM DOWNIE joined in ’54, RALPH BEASOM in ’57 and I made the top five in 1961, so all of us were present when we moved from Westwood to the Bel Air in January 1962. That means we have been here 45 years!  PP JIM COLLINS was PRESIDENT during the year of our move, ‘61-’62 – and he continues to thank the Club for providing his roundtrip bus ticket to downtown LA when the International Convention took place that year!

We had a whole bunch of lovely guests. Several members brought their kids – NICK KAHRILAS was with Cole, KACY ROZELLE brought Cate, ELLIOTT TURNER had Alexander, PP STEVE SCHERER brought Ben, and Prexy MIKE took Whitney along. There were close to twenty Spouses, who were introduced en masse – and it made for a full house, which is always fun. A most occasional Member, PP RON WANGLIN, came forward to speak about the long history of WVRC, and as usual, his remarks hit the mark. However, we should not be surprised that PP RON will be assessed a fine, but the amount was not known to YOE as we went to press.

Some naughty bird told Prexy MIKE that PP JIM COLLINS had a significant birthday yesterday – it was his 80th, and my only comment is, “Oh, to be 80 again!”  Prexy MIKE had his story, which concerned Santa’s trials and tribulations in the lead-up to the Big Day.  Everything was going wrong – the Elves were on strike, claiming they were overworked, and as a result the gift production was behind schedule.  Mrs Claus had him on a diet, which he hated, and when he went home for lunch, Rudolph poked his head in to say the reindeers were joining the strike.  Santa slammed the door, and muttered something about “he’d GIVE IT to the next person who walks in that door”.  There was a knock, and when he opened the door, a tiny angel was there, with what she had decided was the perfect Christmas Tree.  And that’s how the tradition of an angel atop the tree came about. Kevin Brophy, who has parked our cars for the last 23 years, had a couple of stories, and they added to the festive air. 

—YOE, Ernie Wolfe


Michael Gintz

President Elect
Christopher Bradford

Vice President
Sean M. McMillan

Gordon A. Fell

Peggy Bloomfield

Executive Secretary
Ernie Wolfe

Past President
Don A. Nelson

Community Service Chair
Shane Waarbroek

International Service Chair
Edwin S. Gauld

Membership Chair
Tony Marrone

Vocational Service Chair
Elliot Turner

Youth Service Chair
Ann Samson



William B. Boyd

    Scot Clifford

Monday, Beverly Hills, BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset
Tuesday, WLA/Brentwood, Chez Mimi, 246 26th St, Santa Monica
Wednesday, Century City, Century Plaza Hotel, or
    Culver City, Wyndham Hotel, 6333 Bristol Parkway, CC, or
    Wilshire, The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, LA
Friday, Santa Monica, Riviera Country Club, 1250 Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades