July 26, 2007
Tom Kendrick, a California sea urchin diver for 22 years and author of Bluewater Gold Rush, will speak on Under Sea Diving
August 2, 2007
Dr. Nancy Irwin, a therapeutic hypnotist and doctor of psychology, is a popular keynote speaker who insists, "Change does not have to hurt!"
August 9, 2007
Doug Smith, the brother of member Curt Smith, will speak on "Experiences in IRAQ."
Henry Tseng Day at WVRC, 12 July
LEE DUNAYER started us off with the Pledge, having arrived at least ten seconds before being called upon! Next up was LENNY, leading us A Cappella, in America the Beautiful. PP STEVE SCHERER gave the Invocation, “Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of abundant life…; lives which serve as an example for all of us…especially for the one hundred years of the life of HENRY TSENG…the giving of himself to others, Rotarians and friends.. We know we are better persons because HENRY is among us…One life to live, twill be past. Only what we’ve done for others, will last.” Well Done, STEVE.
HENRY’S daughter, Linda Hsia, introduced the family who were present. Annie, of course, Linda’s husband Victor, and their son, Martin. CEO CHRIS called attention to two special guests, Madame Wu and NORA AQUINO, whom we haven’t seen for awhile. Dick Littlestone was with us, and our newest PP, MICHAEL GINTZ, was recognized. Since he was our ‘First Speaker’, CHRIS presented MIKE with our new Speaker’s Gift, a nice mug emblazoned with WVRC.
SHANE WAARBROEK spoke about the District Breakfast on July 19th. It will be at the LAX Westin, starting at 0700, and the Speaker will be the LA Supt of Education, David Brewer. He will be speaking on the need for Volunteers. PP DON NELSON is contact.
The Summer Fun Party will be on August 4th, at the SCHERER’S home. Reservations to MARGIE DOWNIE, and the price is $75 per person they’ll have Opera Singers, and all the trimmings - it promises to be a really great event, so get your checks in, please.
And for the record, the JVC Jazz Night at the Hollywood Bowl is August 19th GUIN LYSTER (I note ‘for the record’ since today , July 12th is the deadline to sign up!.)
PP DON NELSON came forward with some financial notes. Before he began, in the excellent tradition of the late DOUG DESCH, DON offered the following tale. This older man, somewhat slight of stature, appeared at a Lumber Camp in Northern California. When he asked for a job, the Superintendent pointed out, politely, that he wasn’t the type they looked for brawnier lumberjacks. The applicant persisted, so the Super gave him an axe and pointed to a nearby sapling. Swish, Swish, and it was down. So the Super told him to cut down a 20-year-old pine nearby. Same result. “Well”, the Super said, “there’s a 50 year old cedar over there what can you do with that?” Again, it fell quickly. The Super then admitted that the man had some ability, but wanted to know where he got his experience. “In the Sahara forest” “But the Sahara isn’t a forest, it’s a desert..” “Now it is.”
Moving right along, Executive Treasurer DON pointed out that we operated at a loss last year. He didn’t elaborate, but mentioned that he might question the Cello Lessons… Anyway, the Board has now made some adjustments. Dues have been $25 a month, and will now go to $30. We used to charge for the Roster, and will do so again that’s $20. And you have already heard about the new meal price of $25. We will resume the practice of billing for Auxiliary dues, which is an optional charge of $25. and as DON put it, if anyone feels that their spouse is not worth twenty five dollars, let DON know and he’ll submit his list of special fines to CEO CHRIS. Finally, the Board reinstated the policy of a few years ago, so all Active Members will be charged for one ticket to the Demotion, and this policy will also extend to the Club Assembly, if one is held. When he concluded, there was a plaintive voice from the audience “Do you have any GOOD news?” which led CEO CHRIS to point out why he had DON deliver the message.
In addition to HENRY, there were other July birthdays to be memorealized. First up were twins both on the 4th, that is - ED GAULD elected Long Island City, while HANK HEUER preferred Yonkers. RICK CULLEN weighed in on the 8th, in good old LA. CLAWSON BLEAK liked the 10th, in St. George, Utah, and copycat PEGGY BLOOMFIELD voted for the same date as HENRY, the 12th but she chose Escondido, while HENRY elected Yokohama, Japan. GORDON FELL got us back to LA, on the 18th, and YOSH SETOGUCHI kept us in LA on the 19th. TOM BARRON preferred the 25th, in nearby Pasadena, while SALLY PHILLIPS took the 29th, in Cooperstown, ND. That left TERRY M WHITE to settle for Santa Monica on the 31st. Those present were suitably serenaded, and they then autographed the books we present to the Westwood Library each month in lieu of their birthday present.
At this point, PEGGY BLOOMFIELD read A Proclamation To WVRC, Assembled:
Whereas HENRY TSENG has been a good and faithful friend to both PEGGY and
BILL SR, and Whereas, BILL SR was his co-sponsor in joining the WVRC, and Whereas, PEGGY shares a birthday with HENRY but in a different year (laughter), Therefore, PEGGY hereby gives up her birthday celebration this year and donates it to HENRY, a good friend and highly respected individual, in order to make his 100th Birthday more memorable. And PEGGY hereby declares she will celebrate her birthday one day later, this year only (laughter), on Friday, the 13th - Happy Birthday, HENRY!
The attractive centerpieces on each table were created by SHIRLEY MORE, and those with July Birthdays may take them home. This offer was well received.
I introduced our Guest, Lieutenant John Anderson ROTC Cadet of the Year in 2006-07. Cadet Anderson was presented with the traditional sword by WVRC, suitably engraved. He was commissioned at UCLA on June 17th. Lt Anderson began by announcing that the ROTC Program at UCLA, like our country, is strong they commissioned their largest Class in thirty years. This was an especially difficult year for the unit, losing one of their own, Lt. Mark Daley, Class of 2005. Mark was quoted on the floor of Congress “As Americans, we will always have a responsibility to the oppressed”. He was a close friend of Lt. Anderson. John then thanked us personally for the sword we provided. His father worked his whole life as a trucker never got any medals, or awards, and when John was able to bring that sabre home, it meant a lot to his whole family. One of our newer members, KEVIN BADKOUBEHI, represented WVRC at the Presentation Ceremony. I think it is fair to point out that our support of the ROTC Programs at UCLA helps!
CEO CHRIS was pleased to begin HENRY’S Celebration. HENRY was born on July 12 1907 in Yokohama, Japan. Jumping far ahead, he served as President of the Hong Kong Rotary Club in 1969-70. That year R.I. advocated a 5% membership increase, and HENRY grew the HK Club from 123 members to 161 during his term a 31% increase!
HENRY joined WVRC in October 1976, sponsored by PP HOWIE HENKES and BILL BLOOMFIELD SR, as you have heard. PP DAVE WHITEHEAD has assembled some materials from the HK Club which are worth reviewing. Since joining WVRC, HENRY has sponsored no less than 13 new members, including WALLY FISCHMAN, PP PETER MORE, NORA AQUINO, RO SHAW, and MADAME WU.
There followed an excellent video in color, of course, and of course produced by THE TSENG FAMILY. It began with wedding picturesthat was only 73 years agoand featured ANNIE and HENRY on vacation, aboard their boat, HENRY waterskiing, and the two of them dancing. It was a lovely over view of their long life together.
Several members and a family member were next asked to speak. PP JOHN SINGLETON was up first, explaining that when he was President in 1981 he asked various members to provide a snapshot of their life. HENRY began by reporting that he attended the University of Chicago Technical School as a young boy, returning to HK as a special person since he had been educated in the U.S. He achieved the Distributorship of Venus for all of China, which was a very successful business. Asked how he met Annie, he was admitted to the drawing room of her parent’s mansion. When she came down the stairs, the first view he had was of her legs. With that look, he stated, “Boy, those legs are going to be MINE”. JOHN ended his remarks by pointing out that Annie still has those beautiful legs!
Henry and Annie
The Cake
The Downies |
LEO TSENG was next. He began by setting the record straight he and HENRY are first cousins! HENRY’S father and LEO’S father were brothers. Twenty years difference in age and LEO is not 120years old. HENRY’S father was the oldest son, and LEO’s father was the #5 son thus the age difference between first cousins. Their mothers were both wives of their grandfather, but at different times. Since his allotted five minutes was about up, LEO retired.
ANN SAMSON came forward. She spoke of his daily dedication to working out at the Westside Family YMCA. Since he gets up every day at 5 a.m. for his class, which starts at 0630, he did that today. HENRY has been maintaining this schedule for thirty years, seven days a week! When he comes in, everyone knows him ANN always thinks of HENRY with a smile on his face. His help to so many individuals is wonderful to see. She is forever grateful for he and WALLY FISCHMANN founding the PLLUS Program, which now is in use in many parts of the Rotary world. She thanked HENRY for making her life richer, and she now wants to live to be a hundred herself.
Grandson Martin Hisu spoke last. He began by thanking WVRC for having this lunch today, and for our continued support for HENRY. He noted how important Rotary was to HENRY. Associating with his grandfather has been a humbling experience for Martin, who sees how HENRY really is not possessed by his possessions and how well he handles himself this is a real inspiration for Martin. Henry has managed the ups and downs of a permanent roommate for 73 years, and that is inspirational. Martin is grateful for always having HENRY in his life, and he thanked us again for this celebration.
But we weren’t done there were a series of Presentations. Plaques and scrolls, started with the gift from Madelyn Fischmann of $5,000 to the Henry Tseng Scholarship Fund. Other tributes were from Mayor Villaraigosa, Governor Schwartznegger, Senator Diane Fienstein, President and Mrs George W. Bush, R.I. President Wilfrid J. Wilkenson, and HENRY TSENG DAY at WVRC, 12 July.
CEO CHRIS summed up this wonderful anniversary by asking, Have you ever noticed how often HENRY smiles? I believe he knows something that many of us do not know. An ancient Chinese Philosopher said, “A smile will gain you ten more years of life”. That’s a good lesson for all of us.
Starting on August 2nd, delivery of your Windmill will be by email only - unless you notify YOE Ernie that you want a paper copy mailed to your address. So, next week is your last mail delivery unless I hear otherwise by phone or email. Deadline to notify me is Thursday 26 July. Thanks for your help on this.
Christopher Bradford
President Elect
Sean McMillan
Vice President
Ed Gauld
Mark Block
Exec. Treasurer
Don Nelson
Shane Waarbroek
Executive Secretary
Ernie Wolfe
Past President
Michael Gintz
Community Service Chair
Mark Rogo
International Service Chair
Elliott Turner
Membership Chair
Steve Scherer
Vocational Service Chair
Sherry Dewane
Youth Service Chair
Ann Samson
Wilfrid J. Wilkinson
David Moyers
Palos Verdes Sunset Rotary
Monday, Beverly Hills, BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset
Tuesday, WLA/Brentwood, Chez Mimi, 246 26th St, Santa Monica
Wednesday, Century City, Century Plaza Hotel, or
Culver City, Wyndham Hotel, 6333 Bristol Parkway, CC, or
Wilshire, The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, LA
Friday, Santa Monica, Riviera Country Club, 1250 Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades