Craft Talks
Happy Thanksgiving
No Meeting
Holiday Party
Spouses Day
Next Week...
November 15
"Craft Talks"
Coming Up...
November 22
"Thanksgiving Day"
Happy Thanksgiving
No Meeting
December 6
Dr. Richard Y. Lam
Holiday Party - Spouses Day
December 20
Dark - No Meeting
December 27
Dark - No Meeting
November 13
"Yearling Gathering"
6pm - 9pm
Peggy Bloomfield's Home
1262 Corsica Drive
Pacific Palisades
November 14
"Rotary Auxiliary Meeting"
The Auxiliary will have a 12:00 pm meeting/luncheon at SALLY BRANT'S house. BOB and DIANE THOM will reminisce about their experiences with John Wayne. Please RSVP to MARGIE DOWNIE. Please bring children's books for the book drive.
December 6
Christmas Shopping Spree With Underprivileged Children
Meet at 6:00 pm at the Salvation Army Relocation Center at Sepulveda and Wilshire. Contact MIKE YOUSEM for details and to let him know you will be coming.
December 11
Auxiliary Holiday Party
This Week...
A brief report on WVRC on 8 November
We started off with the Pledge, led by just returned member RON KLEPETAR. LENNY FRIENDMAN took us through My Country tis of Thee, and LEE DUNAYER gave an excellent Invocation. It was based on A thousand years ago today, starting when Someone, moved beyond their own fears and needs…and you were the result. Then 900, then 800 years and so on, down to “A few years ago, someone chose to connect, to join, to be vulnerable rather than maintain the walls they had built up inside…and you were the result. A few years ago, someone took a risk, with a smile, a kind word, a phone call, flowers…and you are the result. Now it’s your turn…Early in the thirty first century someone will evolve from what you choose to do today…Choose love over fear and there will be someone as beautiful as you…A thousand years from today. Thanks, LEE, the applause says we all appreciated it.
PP STEVE SCHERER again brought his Special Guest, Lorin Ruttenberg, who is in Real Estate. She will be circularized today. PEGGY BLOOMFIELD came with Aly Shoji as her Special Guest Aly is the Director of the UCLA AIDS Institute. Our Speaker, John Morin, introduced himself, along with his wife they are with Wilshire Rotary, and he is a CPA. PP RON LYSTER brought a new partner in their firm, Bonnie Harris.
I spoke briefly about my month-long trip to Australia, pointing out that it was fun to be there during their Election campaign, which is limited to just six weeks! While I did make up once, this didn’t save me, so I was assessed a hundred clams, but payable in bucks. On this same International theme, PP STEVE DAY described his recent visit to India, which he claimed was all on business. This didn’t save him either he was fined THIRTY FOUR HUNDRED RUPEES which comes out to the same hundred bucks.
My first announcement is about those who park at the nearby church. They ask, again, that we place the paper decal signifying that we are from Rotary on the dash otherwise they don’t know if we are there legally, OK? And also, don’t forget the cost is $5.00, please.
Next week, Wed the 14th Rotary Auxiliary meets at the home of SALLY BRANT, starting at 11:30. DIANA and BOB THOM will be reminiscing about John Wayne, whom they knew well. And please be sure MARGIE DOWNIE knows you are coming!
And in December
The 6th, Thursday evening, the Christmas Shopping spree MIKE YOUSEM is the contact, and it’s a worthwhile event.
The 7th, Friday noon the Annual Braille Christmas Luncheon. PP HOWIE HENKES isn’t quite ready to chair this again, but could YOU step up? Think about it, please.
PP PETER MORE INTRODUCED OUR speaker John Miron. John has been on the Convention Committee since 2000, and his presentation was supplemented by a power point presentation. He even gave away two bottles of wine we need more speakers like this!
The dates of our Convention are 15-18 June 2009, and it will be at the Convention Center. Highlights will include the Host Evening, and we at WVRC will be gathering visitors at the Faculty Center, then to our homes for dinner ED GAULD will still add your name as a host. The Hollywood Bowl will be featured, and that will be special. And of course, downtown at the Convention Center, they will have a huge House of Friendship, plus they are gathering up to TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND BOOKS for tenyear olds and younger. These will form a Mountain of Books, and will be distributed afterward by the LA Times. Each Rotarian is asked to donate a hundred books toward this very worthwhile cause.
John emphasized four points:
First, please Register and a number of WVRC members already have.
Contact number is www.Rotary2008.com
Second, Purchase Tickets Hollywood Bowl, etc.
Third, Be a Host, and
Fourth, be a volunteer they need a THOUSAND HELPERS!
A QUICK HISTORY OF rotary Conventions in Los Angeles:
First one was 1922, at the still-to-be-constructed Hollywood Bowl.
1962, at the Sports Arena, and our Incoming President JIM COLLINS was there!
Ronald Reagan was the Chair, and the Bowl was again featured.
And now, June 2009 it will be a great event, so don’t wait too long to sign up.
John Miron, thanks for bringing us the message about the 2009 Convention.
CEO CHRIS had a final thought: A smile will straighten out a lot of frowns.