Dr. Richard Y. Lam
Holiday Party
Spouses Day
Next Week...
December 6
Dr. Richard Y. Lam
Early Detection of Prostate Cancer
Holiday Party - Spouses Day
Coming Up...
December 20
Dark - No Meeting
December 27
Dark - No Meeting
December 6
Christmas Shopping Spree With Underprivileged Children
Meet at 6:00 pm at the Salvation Army Relocation Center at Sepulveda and Wilshire. Contact MIKE YOUSEM for details and to let him know you will be coming.
December 11
Auxiliary Holiday Party
This Week...
The Big Game at WVRC on November 29th
We had our own version of the downtown meeting at which the head coaches speak. But first, the Man In Charge today was SEAN McMILLAN, and he done good. RAY ZIGFELD led us in the Pledge. Next up was expected to be LENNY, but he weren’t nowhere to be found. SEAN announced we would forgo the song exercise, and this caused some vocal rumbling. Drawing on the obvious expertise in the person of Senior PP JIM COLLINS, SEAN asked for a ruling, and his decision was upheld. This in turn led to several Invocations.
First up was LEE DUNAYER, who brought us a biblical tale, more or less.
Seems that Adam was walking around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely. God asked why, and Adam said he didn’t have anyone to talk to. So God offered to provide a companion a woman. God listed the many features she would bring to the enterprise, including gathering and cooking food, and washing your clothes when they finally appear. She will bear your children, never ask for help, will not nag you and will always be the first to admit that she was wrong. She will freely give you love and passion whenever you want it. Adam then asked, “What would a woman like this cost?” “A woman that special will cost an arm and a leg”. Then Adam asked, “What can I get for a rib?”.
Father and daughter
Henry and Peggy
Substitutes |
While I’m not entirely sure the following followed the above, it is nonetheless true that ELLIOTT TURNER at some later time appeared, with the following (and note that it’s hard to use the word following three times in one sentence…) Anyway, ELLIOTT provided a touching poem, written by a terminally ill young girl in a N.Y. Hospital. “Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly‘s erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? (and the constant refrain) “Don’t dance so fast. Time is short. The music won’t last” “Do you run through the day On the fly?…Do you lie in your bed With the next hundred chores (and the refrain) “Ever told your child, We’ll do that tomorrow” And in your haste, Not see his sorrow? Ever lost touch. Let a good friendship die Cause you never had time To call and say, “HI” (and the refrain) When you run so fast to get somewhere You miss half the fun of getting there…Life is not a race Do take it slower Hear the music before the song is over. ((Yes, this came from the internet. If you’d like the entire copy, lemme know, please)).
There were guests. SEAN McMILLAN brought his associate in the firm, Tom Loo, who is a Visiting Rotarian from Santa Monica. SEAN and Tom have been partners for over THIRTY years! MARK ROGO introduced one of our newest members, Dr Mark Krause, the Senior Minister at Westwood Hills Christian Church. LEE DUNAYER was with an old friend, Dr. Emman, who is a psychiatrist. MIKE YOUSEM reminded those who are participating in the Christmas Shopping Spree to be on time, please it’s 5 pm, OK? PP BOB WESSLING is overseeing our Election process, and noted that not very many ballots had been received up to now. Please get them in right away, since the Committee meets on Tuesday the 4th. MARK ROGO will be attending the Braille Christmas Luncheon which is on Friday, Dec. 7th, , and asks anyone who is also going to let him know, please.
LEE DUNAYER briefly introduced our two Speakers, Damion Smith from USC, and Steve Vierra, from UCLA. Damion was a quarterback a bit before Steve, who was an offensive lineman, playing both guard and tackle. Their whole presentation was informal, and they apparently get along, since they came together to our meeting. Also, they both are with Lee’s firm, UBS Financial Services.
Damion was at SC for five years, counting his redshirt year. He enjoyed the team, but admitted it was also a lot of hard work. Steve was at UCLA during our recent 7-game losing streak, so he never beat SC a source of some frustration. He played for both Bob Toledo and Karl Dorrell. They agreed it was a different feeling to approach the game as a fan, rather than as a player. And they both stressed the fact that this game is the ONLY matchup between two teams from the same city no one else qualifies, not N.Y., Chicago, Atlanta, even San Francisco. What makes that fun is that you can get a response from almost everyone in town about who will win, etc.
CLARK McQUAY and PP JIM COLLINS were called forward to represent the fans from the two schools. I can remember some bets I had with CLARK, in which the loser took the winner to dinner and after some wine, we tended to forget the details! JIM was asked for a prediction, and he quickly stated that if Damion would give him 21 points, he’d bet a buck. (Apparently the line is 20 points, so Jim was trying to get a slightly better offer).
They were each asked if today’s players should be paid, since they bring in a lot of revenue to the schools, and certainly put in a lot of time during much of the year. They agreed that an adjustment to the present Scholarship would be helpful this provides room, board, tuition and books plus a monthly stipend. At present the stipend varies, depending on the cost of living in the various locales. So, while it might be a good idea in theory, the practical difficulties of equalizing the system are tough to solve.
Damion pointed out that the result of each game has an effect on recruiting. If your team wins, all is well but if you lose, a recruit can change his mind. They agreed that the pool of talent in and around Los Angeles is excellent, and if the two schools could just get all the good local prospects, they would be loaded every year. Damion then pointed out that you were a Trojan for life, but a Bruin for just four years. Steve reminded Damion that being a Bruin for four years was enough, since they all graduated on time!
Here’s an update on this week’s game. This year, for the first time, USC withdrew 6,000 Bruin tickets for the game at the Coliseum. Thus, many of us who are Bruin season ticket holders couldn’t get a ticket. The sad part of this story is that it’s tit for tat next year, we will do the same against USC for our home game at the Rose Bowl. However, it is probably true that you see the game better on TV anyway!
It’s fun to choose sides - Saturday will decide.