Aug 21

Aug 14

Aug 15
Literacy Breakfast
Next Week...
July 24
Karen Suter, Wildlife Way Station
The Wildlife Waystation, situated on 160 acres in California's Angeles National Forest, is internationally recognized for its ongoing, charitable efforts to rescue and rehabilitate wild and exotic animals. Come see a Kinkajou.
Upcoming Programs...
July 31
Craft Talks
David Friedman's Craft Talk and
Senior Craft Talk by PDG Andy Anderson
August 14
Corey Dantzler & Kathleen Felesina
Boys & Girls Challengers Club
August 21
Afghanistan Experience
Major Cramer, UCLA ROTC
Other Programs...
July 26
ALOHA! WVRC - Auxiliary Summer Fun Party
Leo Tseng’s Home
August 15
Literacy Breakfast, Lawry's
This Week...
SHERI SCHRIER at WVRC on July 17th
DON PARK led the Pledge. PP HOMER NEWMAN provided the Invocation,
“We beseech Thee, our Heavenly Father to bestow Thy grace upon this meeting. As we enjoy our fellowship, one with another, may we grow in stature, so that we may be able to give more to our friends in Rotary, and give strength to the ideals of Rotary in the service to Mankind”. LENNY, of course, led us in America.
And speaking of LENNY, you will be surprised to learn that his guest was SUNNY to which he added, “Who attends more of these meetings than some of you members!” MARIE ROLF was also with us. There was a plethora (that means lots) of hats, and everyone had one on. I started out with a UCLA hat, but traded it to someone who needed it more than I did, ending up with a USC Chapeau. Both TERRY R. WHITE and LEE DUNAYER went out of their way to compliment me on the hat change.. But I should ask my audience should I have taken it personally that the subject that required hats also spoke to those of us who have no hair? Just asking.
But on the subject of hats, I once again wish to provide a Tip of the Chapeau to several of our members who have recently joined the Board of Directors of Meals on Wheels of WLA. These helpful folks include KEVIN BADKOUBEHI, DWIGHT HEIKKILA, and SAROSH MOTIVALA and we Thank Them and note that MOW is always looking for volunteers, of course.
President SEAN has a history tidbit for us. In 1925, a young man named Douglas Corrigan went to our local airport and started flying lessons. He then began working for Ryan Aircraft - the firm that built the Spirit of St. Louis. And in 1937 he bought a somewhat used airplane for $325, and flew it to NY. Once there, he applied for permission to fly the Atlantic to Paris, as Lindberg had done earlier. Permission denied, so he took off, and instead of returning to LA, flew east, and landed in Ireland 28 hours later! Among other things, this gave him the nickname of Wrong Way Corrigan. We have SEAN’S word for the fact that such historic items, as this one, should always have some Irish connection. Stay tuned.
JACK HARRIS responded to our apparent need for some Spiritual Inspiration. Apparently, an arrival at the bar was in his wheelchair, and looking across the room, asked, “Is that Jesus Christ?” When the answer was affirmative, he told the waitress to give the man an order of tea and crumpets and put it on his bill. The next man who entered was on crutches. Same question, same response. “Send him a cup of tea and a hot croissant with jam and butter, and put it on my bill”. The third man to enter was a rough looking truck driver, who asked, “Is that God’s Son over there?” Affirmative. “Give him a pot of coffee and a couple of donuts and put it on my bill.” Then, their subject arose and went over the wheelchair visitor, put his hand on his shoulder, and said, “Because of your kindness I’m going to heal you”. The man leaped from his wheelchair, and ran out of the bar. Going over to the man on crutches, he said “Because of your kindness I’m going to heal you”. He touched the man on the shoulder, and the man dropped his crutches and walked out the front door. As Jesus then approached the truck driver, the driver said, “Don’t touch me, please. I’m on disability”. And despite a few cries of “Fine Him”, the otherwise positive response ruled the day. Well Done, Jack.
At this point, PDG ANDY ANDERSON came forward to promote the upcoming Summer Fun Party. The date will be Saturday, July 26th, at the home of LEO TSENG. The party is listed as starting at 6 pm but the Mai Tai’s will be poured anytime after 5, so make your own decision. The Hawaiian theme will prevail, the cost is $50 per person, and checks should be made out to the Auxiliary and sent to Margie Downie. Deadline is right away, please.
The Annual Paul Harris Dinner will be at Medieval Times, starting at 3pm on Sunday, October 12th. Adults are $60, and kids cost half that. There are several rumored ‘jousters” who are vying to lead our team, but at this writing that Coronation has not been announced. Also, the District is looking for items for the Silent Auction, of course.
PP STEVE DAY reminds us that the raffle tickets will be coming. Stay tuned, please.
I then presented PP CHRIS BRADFORD with the collected Windmills published during his term.
You have probably noticed that HARLAN LEWIS has not attended recently. He has a back problem AND a new call phone. (310) 804-0894 give him a ring, OK?
PEGGY BLOOMFIELD introduced our Speaker, Sheri Schrier. Sheri has a background as a designer for the golf and tennis industry before that, she had lost her little brother, Mother and Father, and Grandmother to cancer. As she began to think about this, she got the idea that maybe hats could provide some fun and even excitement for children battling cancer. So 17 years ago she founded Happy Hats For Kids, 923 Van Ness Avenue, Torrance 90501 (310) 787-0970, Happyhatsforkids@aol.com.
She began her visit with us by inviting everyone whose hat contained bells to come forward and with all of us wearing some kind of hat, she had about fifteen participants. (And, of all people, ELLIOTT TURNER was the most bashful but she wouldn’t let him hide). Voila a rhyme! When you’re feeling blue, and you don’t know what to do, put on your happy hat and Shake Your Head. Most of those up front shook their heads from side to side. When you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and life is such a mess, Shake Your Head and this time, most of them nodded their heads. When you don’t want to get out of bed, and your bells and whistles are feeling dead, shake your head a Different Way. Go over to your co-worker, or your boss, for they, too, may be at a loss and Shake Your Head! This exercise certainly provided some good audience participation as a starting point.
Starting in 1991, she made some hats, and began giving them to children at several hospitals in the Los Angeles area. The reception was amazing! The kids immediately began to play with them, the healthier ones helping those who were sicker, and everyone became excited and wanted to participate. At that point, her whole team was five senior citizens, aged 73 to 81 she was 48. Her short film then came on. One of the National TV Stations honored Sheri as the Woman of the Week, and she was able to review how this all came about. There were several personal stories, plus testimonials, all of which were well done.
As it works today, each child at over 100 hospitals receives a 96-page coloring book, which also helps to explain some of the surgical terms and procedures they are likely to encounter. There is also a small box of crayons, and they each get a Hero Hat.. These hats are sewn by inmates at State and Federal Prisons, both men and women, who volunteer to do this. It’s an honor to be chosen for this activity, and you can see how this act of service is really news to some of the inmates. In addition to providing the needed labor, while performing, the inmates can reflect upon their own children and how they miss them, so the outcome is a winner all around. The Hero Hats are then packaged with the coloring book and given to the kids when they arrive at the hospital. Their eventual goal is to serve 1000 hospitals, and they are increasing the total as funds become available.
VP Ed Gauld |
Another advantage of the program is that the families get involved with the book, and the child fills it in during their visits. The theme of the book is that every little child is a hero. and this is certainly an important value to be transmitted. When children arrive at the hospital, they often are full of fear, and the several aspects of the book are a big help to the doctors and nurses during their treatment periods. The cost of the package is $2.50, much of that being shipping cost. A couple of years ago Sherri received an email from the Emergency Room of a large hospital in San Jose. They have since found that these same kits are an excellent help with children in that stress-filled situation. Some of the copy has been changed because it meets a different situation than the cancer patients see, and the books are now bi-lingual. Their newest field is Holiday Hats. Special hats are provided for five different holidays, excepting Christmas which is already overcrowded. At these programs, EVERYBODY gets a hat, and the festivities are wonderful to see.
She told the personal story of Brandon. He was nine, and always angry, so she was warned to be careful. When she entered his room, she could see that he was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and devices. She said, “Hi, I’m Sheri. Would you like one of these hats?” He said yes, I’ll take that one. Since he was all hooked up, Sheri asked if she could help him put it on, and he agreed. He then asked, “Could I have one for my sister?” Sheri said, “Absolutely” and she put the one he chose on his bed. He then asked, “Could I give you a hug?”, and he opened his arms to her. (YOE has to admit that this story was very affecting but maybe you will have the same reaction.)
Hatsforkids is of course a 501(C) 3 Charity. The goal for 2009 is to provide 100,000 kits, which will be distributed to hospitals mostly in California they now have thirty hospitals in our state. If you wish to sponsor an event, the donation is $3,000.
Sheri Schrier, we thank you for your presentation.
SEAN’S sendoff message
On the joyride of life, keep one finger on the escape key.