May 7
Steve Day

May 12
District Breakfast
Next Week...
Apirl 30
Curt Smith - "Reach Out and Read"
Upcoming Programs...
May 7
Foundation Chair Steve Day on Paul Harris Society,
PH Fellows and Rotary Foundation
April 30 - May 3
District Conference, Westin Costa Mesa
All Officers and Committee Chairs must attend
May 12
District Breakfast - LAX
All Officers and Committee Chairs must attend
Westin Hotel, 5400 W. Century Blvd., Los Angeles
Field Trip to the renovated Griffith Observatory
May 16
District Assembly
All Officers and Committee Chairs must attend
June 27
Demotion Dinner, Beach Club
This Week...
Windmill for Thursday, April 23, 2009
President Sean called the April 23, 2009 Meeting of the Friendly Westwood Village Rotary Club to order at 12:30 p.m.
Dwight Heikkila led us in the Pledge.
Mark Krause gave us a timely invocation.
Sitting at the Head Table were Scott Finch, Lee Dunayer, Marcia Brouse, Ed Gauld, and Susan Klein.
Guests of Rotarians: Former member and hopefully returning Dick Littlestone was with PP Peter More. PP Chris Bradford brought wife Sharon. Ed Gauld and wife Cathy, as well as Lenny Friedman and wife Sunny were there. Our UCLA Rotaract Officers Stephen Gardner and Kency Nittler rounded out the guest list.
Inspirational Moment was provided by Mark Block.
Marcia Brous announced that May 9th the Yearlings were having a book sale for Africa at the Westwood Methodist Church at Warner Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard. They need volunteers and books. Please Contact Marcia or Susan Klein, or drop off books at the church.
Steve Day Announced three openings for the Japanese Trip, July 6-August 1, with the Japanese students coming here August 1-September 1.
Scott Finch was next on the agenda, giving his Craft Talk. He is a new addition to the sterling financial experts in our club. He has a diverse background and brings great skills and ideas with him. We look forward to working with and getting to know Scott better.
Our next Craft Talk was from Susan Klein, Director of St. Albans across the street from our meeting place. She has served in St. Louis, at UC Irvine, in Malibu and has been at St Albans for four years. She likes her job because she believes that helping to make our world a better place starts with all of us. Our membership committee deserves kudos for discovering these two.
Historical Facts: The first recorded Viking raid in Irish history occurred in 795, when the Vikings looted the island of Lambay near what is now Dublin.
April 23, 1014: The armies of Brian Boru defeated Mael Morda Mac Murchada and the Viking Danes/Norse forces in the Battle of Clontarf, which marked the beginning of the decline of Viking power in Ireland and was the day of Brian Boru’s death.
Words of Wisdom:
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.
If you find a four leaf clover, it means you have entirely too much time on your hands.
Ed Jackson, for YOE, Ernie Wolfe