Jan 14
Rabbi Zoe Klein

Jan 28
DA Steve Cooley
Feb 5
John Dean
"Keeping History Honest"
Next Week...
Jan 7
Jan 14
Rabbi Zoe Klein
Temple Isaiah
Jan 15
John Kenny President of Rotary International
Combined meeting downtown with LA5
Jan 21
Steve Scherer Moderator
"WVRC Financial Advisors Give a Market Outlook"
Jan 28
District Attorney Steve Cooley
Feb 5
John Dean
"Keeping History Honest""
Combined meeting with Santa Monica @ Riviera CC
Feb 11
James Herrin Chief of UCPD @UCLA
"Police work at UCLA"
In light of the 29 year old kidnapping victim being discovered by a Cal Berkley Police Officer, a new respect for Campus Police makes the new chief's visit very topical.
This Week...
OUR HOLIDAY PARTY at WVRC on December 17th
Although introduced as a retired Santa Claus, PP ERIC LOBERG led the Pledge. PP TOM LENEHEN gave the Invocation. LENNY and you’ve gotta admire his fortitude came forward for the song, the only certain thing known being that he would be again identified by Prexy ED, along with the necessary hat. This time, it seems that LENNY was a consultant to Santa Claus, ensuring that any jewelry given out was up to his high standards. And then, of course, the hat ED’s supply may be inexhaustible!

We had one Visiting Rotarian, who was introduced by ELLIOTT TURNER. She was Lavinia Pellegrini, who belongs to the Rotary Club of Centenario, in Rome. In addition to the many spouses and significant others, Prexy ED had two guests. John Newman and Prexy ED apparently went to high school together, and Fran McConkey was right behind them. CATHY GAULD introduced John and Fran, and they all have great memories. JOHN HEIGT brought his mother. Seated at the Head Table were PP TOM LENEHEN, PP ERIC LOBERG and TERRY M. WHITE, who has assumed the duties of Secretary for the rest of this Rotary year. The other table had new President Elect GORDON FELL, plus Vice President ED JACKSON.
While on the subject of all this brass, PP DON NELSON came forward with the suggested slate of officers staring in July 2010. GORDON FELL, President ED JACKSON, President Elect ELLIOTT TURNER, Vice President, LEAH VRIESMAN, Secretary, DON NELSON, Treasurer. Avenue of Service Chairs are Youth, DWIGHT HEIKKILA, Vocational, JOHN HEIDT, International, NICK KAHRILAS, and Community, ALI SHOJI. I then called for a unanimous vote of Approval, which was granted, along with prolonged applause.

Prexy ED reported that the just-completed Holiday Shopping Spree was a huge success, and MIKE YOUSEM was well applauded.
Membership Chair PP STEVE SCHERER asked JIM CRANE to come forward, and fortunately for all concerned, a certain club officer who shall go unnamed but sometimes writes these matters up, had finally managed to get JIM’S and DANA’S badges delivered. JIM was then formally inducted by PP STEVE. JIM spoke briefly, and it certainly looks like we have some good new members coming along. Apropos of that, JOHN HEIDT was released from duty at the Yearling Table, and, following PP STEVE’S lead, pronounced the Rotary Oath.
Before I get to January announcements, please note that we will be dark the rest of this month, resuming our meetings on Thursday, January 7th.
The first District Breakfast of 2010 will be Tuesday, January 12th we have a table of ten reserved, so please let DON NELSON know if you wish to be included. And on January 15th, LA 5 will be hosting R.I. President John Kenny. It’s our chance to hear the President, so make plans to attend, please. (And while I have your attention, let’s pat ourselves on the back several years ago, under President TED IHNEN, we started this whole idea of asking the sitting R.I. President to speak at OUR club so there!)
There followed an extended Q&A between Prexy ED and that guy in the funny red suit was it Santa? Apparently so, since ED’s first question was whether Santa had been to the UCLA Faculty Club before? No, I never could find the chimney! Where did you leave your reindeer? And the surprising answer was, “Today is a furlough day so they stayed home”. So, how did you get here? Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer volunteered to take me. So where is he now? Rudolph is at the Beta House having lunch. Where do you go from here? To Sacramento Schwartznegger needs money, so I am bringing $18 billion up. This largesse led to a long and apparently valid drawing series YOE says valid because he sure as hell didn’t win anything and that’s sad, but expected, of course… Those who did win are here listed, which may put them in jeopardy with the IRS. STEVE PETTISE, RO SHAW, MARIE ROLF, our V.R. from Italy, Livinia Pellegrini, John Newman (see, it pays to be a guest!), PDG ANDY ANDERSON, PP SEAN MCMILLAN, JOHN WOODALL, NICK KAHRILAS, and JACK HARRIS.
We were then entertained by the Girls Advanced Chorus from University High. This lovely group were led by Sarah Vanderhall and I must confess that she looked about the same age as her chorus! They sang a number of songs, some of which we joined in, and it was a most enjoyable sojourn. Prexy ED surprised them with the gift of a WVRC desk clock, which was well received. These kids were great let’s hear from them again!
Prexy ED did have some final gift suggestions:
To your enemies, forgiveness.
To your opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
ED, as usual, your final words are well done. Thank You.
Westwood Village
Mailing address: P.O. Box 24114, Los Angeles, CA 90024-0114
Meets: Thursday, 12 Noon, UCLA Faculty Center
480 Charles Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Club President - Edwin Gauld
(310) 474-5670
President Elect - Mark Block
(310) 282-6240
Vice President - Ed Jackson
(310) 836-9085
Secretary - Gordon Fell
(310) 475-7344
Treasurer - Don Nelson
(310) 472-9488
Community Service - Leah Vriesman
(310) 206-2602
Membership - PP Steve Scherer
(310) 556-2055
International Service - Marsha Hunt
(310) 500-9828
Vocational Service - John Heidt
(310) 593-0093
Youth Activities - Dwight Heikkila
(310) 820-6090
Foundation Chair - Steve Day
(310) 966-2304
Past President - Sean McMillan
(310) 586-7700
Public Relations - Ernie Wolfe
(310) 277-3910
John Kenny
Susanne Sundberg
NEARBY MAKEUP SITES: Monday, Beverly Hills, BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset / Tuesday, Hollywood, Trastevere Ristorante, 6801 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, and Inglewood, Hollywood Park Casino, 3883 W. Century Blvd, Inglewood / Wednesday, Century City, Hyatt Regency Century City, in the Breeze Cafe, Culver City, Raddison Hotel, 6161 W Centinela Ave, CC, or Wilshire, The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, LA / Friday, Santa Monica, Riviera Country Club, 1250 Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades
For information about on-line makeups, www.recswusa.org