26 January was the last meeting of the month with the theme of 'Rotary awareness'. The pledge was led by past president Chris Bradford and the invocation given by John Heidt. We only had one Visiting Rotarian, that was our speaker, Leslie Stocker, from LA 5. We had two Guests of Rotarians, Peter Mednick, guest of Leslie Stocker, and Jeff More, son of past president and current President of the International Flying Rotarians. Sitting at the head table was past Pres. Eric Loberg, past Pres. Gordon Fell, prez Ed, our speaker Lesley Stocker and our third-quarter program chair Jack Paul.
Our Chinese new year celebration is going off very well. We have about three tables of people for the February 3 dinner. $30 per person, please send a check to Don Nelson by January 31. The dinner will be at the Palace seafood restaurant on Wilshire & Barrington at 6:30.
Saturday, February 11 will be our 60th annual valentines brunch this year at Lawry's restaurant in Beverly Hills the price is $60 per person please send your check to Don Nelson or sign up on club runner.
Jack Paul stepped up to the podium to introduce our speaker Les Stocker. The last time he spoke to our club was 1997. Westwood Village Rotary has a long-standing relationship with the Braille Institute spanning several decades. We look forward to continuing this relationship and including many more projects that we will work on together.