May 3

May 9
WVRC Auxiliary
“Judson Stained
Glass Studio”
This Week...
May 3
Jacqueline L. Landry, Head of
School- Marymount HS
"Marymount Today"
May 9
Westwood Village Rotary
Auxiliary Tour
Judson Stained Glass Studio-
Highland Park
May 10
Alison Clay-Duboff
"My Experiences as an Ex-Patriot
in Saudi Arabia"
May 17- Meet at Skylight Gardens
Cathleen M. Fitzgerald
"Water and Other Projects Around
the World"
May 24
Ben Howland- UCLA Basketball
"The UCLA Program"
There was excitement
and anticipation in the air in Westwood for our April
26, 2012 meeting at a different venue, Skylight
Gardens restaurant. Westwood Village Board of
Directors members Jack! Paul and VP Terry M.
White greeted and gave everyone their badge s as we
signed in.
Oz, the general
manager of the restaurant, was there to take our orders
before we entered the room.
Five-year-old Luc Shoji
led us in the Pledge of Allegiance as past president Don
Nelson held the flag. The invocation was given by our
own Art Henry.
Visiting Rotarian was
James Koyanagi, from Burlington Lakeshore Ontario, an
architect, home of baseball's Toronto Blue Jays and ice
hockey’s Maple Leafs.
Guest of Rotarians were
led by President Elect Nominee Mark Rogo brought a
special guest, Bill Krinsky Senior Vice President of
Grandpoint Bank.&n! bsp; Richard Quaglino, a professor
at USC was a guest of Past Pres. Gordon Fell; Richard’s
father was a member of our club.Colby
Smith brought special guest Paul Lewis, a student at
UCLA Anderson. Jane Mulato was a guest of Peggy
Bloomfield, and Mayor of Westwood Lenny Friedman had two
guests, Sunny and his helper.
Our headtable was a rectangular table with 4thQuarter
Program Chair Michael Newman, our Speaker Eric Andrews.
special guest of President Ed, Ed Magik, Art Henry, Tom
Barron and his guest wife Margo, and Hank Heuer.
· PE
Dwight Heikkila is looking for a few people to share
programs duties for 2012-2013. Good programs make for
happy Rotarians, so Dwight needs you.
· Community
chair John Heidt gave the Mid Shipman Clock to the
USN ROTC Winner at UCLA April 21st, and WOMP
will be Saturday April 28th.
· Leo
Tseng, as he has often done in past years, provided 60
Easter baskets for the patients in the children's
section of UCLA Hospital. He was assisted in
stuffing the baskets by Pauline Harris, Eloise Siskel
and Caroline Harris. Colby Smith helped with the
shopping, and Dwight Heikkila helped deliver the
baskets to the Westwood hospital.
· The
Westwood V! illage Rotary Auxiliary Tour is Wednesday
May 9th. Meet at the Westwood United
Methodist Church, Wilshire and Warner, at 9:30 AM where
a chartered bus will take us to the Judson Stained Glass
Studio in Highland Park. Make your reservation by
sending your $20 check to Margie Downie, 633 Burlingame
Ave. LA, 90049. Following the tour the bus will return
us to Westwood where we will have lunch together at the
And here are the 13 awards that we won at the District
Conference in San Diego for our 2011-2012 Projects:
Westwood Village Rotary
Club Awards 2011-2012
Club Service
· Weekly
Rotary informationExcellence
· NewsletterExcellence
Communications and
Public Relations
· Social
of achievement
Vocational Service
· LiteracyRecognition
of achievement
· Speech
music and art ! contest participationExcellence
· Community
service recognition program-fire, police fire, teacher,
non-Rotarian business awardExcellence
· Spotlight
project- Annual project involving the majority of the
clubs and vocational serviceRecognition of
· Overall
Vocational serviceRecognition
of achievement
The Rotary
· Paul
Harris SocietyExcellence
· Utilization
of grants- Matching and District SimplifiedRecognition
of achievement
New Generations
· Charter
and or sponsor Youthact, Interact and Rotaract clubsRecognition
of achievement
· Participate
and facilitate Dis! trict scholarships for local studentExcellence
· Overall
New GenerationRecognition
of achievement
Not since the run on
awards started with PDG Bill Goodwyn, PP Eric Loberg, PP
John Singleton and a host of other past presidents have
we had our name announced so much as last week in San
Diego. Thank You Westwood Village Rotary Club
members for your hard work that made this happen.
M! ike Newmanintroduced
our speaker, Rev. Eric Andrews, Director- Paulist
With a solid background
in television production, Eric Andrews, CSP was the
natural choice to take over the leadership of Paulist
Productions in September 2009. Father Eric came to Los
Angeles from Tennessee where he was Pastor/Campus
Minister at John XXIII University Parish in Knoxville. A
savvy businessman and talented producer, Fr. Eric is
also a highly regarded speaker both in the church and on
the air. The third president in the 50 year history of
the television and film production company, Fr. Eric has
stepped in and continued the tradition of "the Hollywood
Priest," a role initiated by the company's founder,Fr.
Ellwood "Bud" Kieser.
Originally focused on a
career in communications, Fr. Eric also had long held an
interest in the Priesthood, but first chose to earn his
BFA from New York University Film School in 1987, from
which he graduated with honors. While there, he
consulted with the school's campus priest and learned of
the Paulist Fathers, whose focus is on communications as
a means of teaching. "I was very happy to learn I could
combine a career in the Church with my interest in the
media," says Fr. Andrews.
While attending NYU, however, Fr. Eric landed an
internship and then staff position at The Jim Henson
Company. He felt he could not pass up this opportunity
and it was there he earned a variety of credits. Among
the shows he worked on were the Jim Henson Hour (NBC),
Down at Fraggle Rock: Behind the Scenes, The Ghost of
Faffner Hall (HBO), Free to Be…A Family (an ABC Special)
and the Jim Henson Play Along Video Series. He had a
hand in many things at Jim Henson's company, including
the puppets! Fr. Eric is pleased to be, once again,
collaborating with many Henson alumni in his new post.
Eager to pursue his
religious calling, Eric left the Henson organization,
joined the Paulist Fathers, and enrolled in seminary
training at Catholic Universi! ty of America in
September 1989. In May of 1994, he received his Maste rs
of Divinity and began an internship at St. Paul the
Apostle Church in New York City. Fr. Eric was ordained
to the Priesthood in May 1995.
Eric is on a mission and
we hope to be of service as he reaches his goal.
—YOE Ed Jackson