May 31
Yosh Setoguchi
“My Medical Practice with Shriners Hospital”

June 7
Ying Nian Wu
Professor- UCLA
This Week...
May 31
Yosh Setoguchi
"From University High to
WVRC; My Medical
Practice Today with
Shriners Hospital"
**Also Cadet Edson Diaz
will show off his ROTC
Award presented
by PP Steve Scherer
June 7
Ying Nian Wu- Professor,
"NTD TV- An Independent
Station Delivering
Uncensored Chinese News,
Chinese Culture, and
Performing Arts"
June 12
Rotary Auxiliary Meeting
Installation of New
June 23
Ed Jackson’s Demotion
Beach Club- Santa Monica
is Promote International Convention
Past Presidents Chris
Bradford and Gordon Fell greeted us
today at the Skylight Gardens.
Visiting Rotarian:
Maruja Velez de Conway from
Lima, Peru, who exchanged banners
with Pres. Ed Jackson.
Margie Downie, Pat Anderson,
Jane Mulato, our speaker, Cathy
Fitzgerald, and her associate, Annie
New officers will be installed at
the Westwood Village Rotary
Auxiliary's last Spring meeting on
Tuesday, June 12. Rotarians and
their spouses are invited by sending
their checks -- $25 a person for a
catered lunch -- to Margie Downie.
The lunch and meeting begins
at 11:30 a.m. at the house and
gardens of Sally Brant, 1045 Moraga
Drive, just northeast of Sepulveda
and Sunset Blvds. Westwood is the
only Rotary club in the District
which has an Auxiliary. Members of
the group include partners of WVRC
members and the Auxiliary meets
monthly for both fellowship and to
assist with the charitable projects
of the Rotarians.
UCLA Rotaract will be hosting a
College Day for Marymount & Uni HS
Interact students in our continuing
effort to improve dropout rates and
college attendance from our local
The Demotion Party is June 23rd
at the Beach Club. Please RSVP on
ClubRunner or directly to PE Dwight
The Skylight Gardens didn’t have a
flag, and Past President Don Nelson
was not in town to present his flag,
so instead Past President Gordon
Fell led us in song, “God bless
Our speaker,
Cathy Fitzgerald, played basketball
at UCLA, and is now a senior
engineer who runs the Northern
Nevada office of Meredith and
Associates, a Los Angeles-based
environmental firm.
She is a volunteer for
Lifewater and has made 11 trips to
Africa in the last six years to
assist with water projects.
Lifewater, a non-profit
organization, began working in
Rabondo, Kenya, three years ago, and
the community resonates with Cathy
more than any other.
“Water is the most important
commodity for many African
villages,” Cathy said.
“A drought means that their
animals die, their people die, and
that they have to walk many miles to
obtain water that is contaminated.”
She added, “Their whole
livelihood depends on water.”
Lifewater completed its first
well in Rabondo in September 2003.
At the end of this month,
Cathy will return with Debra Hill,
of Williamsburg, Va., and five
University of Nevada, Reno hydrology
Cathy and Ron Peterson,
chairman of Reno-based International
Development Missions, teach a class
called “Geophysics and Well Drilling
in Developing Countries” at UNR, and
the team’s goal this month will be
to install a second well in Rabondo.
—YOE Ed Jackson
Beverly Hills, BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset
/ Tuesday, Inglewood,
Hollywood Park Casino, 3883 W.
Century Blvd, Inglewood /
Wednesday, Century City, Hyatt
Regency Century City, in the Breeze
Cafe, Culver City, Raddison Hotel,
6161 W Centinela Ave, CC, or
Wilshire, The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne
Blvd, LA / Friday, Santa
Monica, Riviera Country Club, 1250
Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades
For information about on-line