The Windmill
Program Chairs:  Dwight Heikkila & Ed Jackson November 1, 2012
  This Week...
November 8   
Club Visit
Rotary Club of San Francisco- Chinatown    


November 15   
James Turken   
"Shangri-La Hotel Case"              

November 22   
Dark for Thanksgiving

November 29 
Club Assembly
November 8
Club Visit- Rotary Club of San Francisco- Chinatown
November 15 
James Turken
"Shangri-La Hotel Case"
Terry M. White led the pledge and John Heidt provided the Invocation
Visiting Rotarians from Lomita/Torrance. Special guest of Dick Thompson - Mario, Mark Rogos guests Jolie and Phil Gabriel

  • Steve Day announced the District 5280 Japanese Youth Exchange is back bigger and better, please  refer your kids, grandkids, etc. for an experience to increase their cultural awareness and enhance world understanding.  Team or teams Depart July 1, 2013 return on July 27 with a Japanese student to host from July 27 to Aug. 17 Deadline to apply is January! Approximate cost is $4900 and you may contact Vicki Radel, PDG, at 310-713-2260 or Makiko Nakasone, at 818-790-4333. Any high school student between the ages of 15 and 18 ½ is eligible! And with the District expansion we are now exchanging  with Two districts in Japan!  Our original one in 2550 (Tochigi) Japan and now hopefully club 2620 (Shizuoka & Yamanashi) which, is south of Tokyo. For more information on the full year program and/or summer program and a new Late March friendship exchange you can also contact Steve Day.
  • Bob from the Torrance Rotary promoted their 4th annual UCLA/USC tailgate luncheon. 300 people are expected and it is counted as an official meeting and fundraiser on Tuesday, Nov. 13 at the Double Tree  Hilton located at 21333 Hawthorne Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503  Presented by the Four Rotary Clubs of Torrance:  Lomita-Torrance Airport, Torrance, Del Amo, and South Bay Sunrise doors open at 11:00a.m. Speakers are Matt Stevens from UCLA! And John Robinson from USC.  The Live Auction will benefit the Torrance Unified School District Athletic Programs and Narbonne High School Interact Club.  Tickets may be purchased through the website   Advance ticket prices are $35, $45 after Nov. 5th  For further information please contact:  Karen Greenberg at (310) 266-7567 
  • Quick update on our neighborhood counsel election - Mark Rogo (and Dean Abell) won - Congratulations!
  • The Auxiliary is also having a meeting on November 13, lunch at Kathy Gauld's for more information if you would like to attend.
  • PP Mike Yousem announced the annual Holiday Shopping Trip is Dec. 6 We need 25 volunteers!  Also, a BIG THANK YOU to Leah Vriesman and Terry M. White for sponsoring our bus for this trip!
UCLA /AZ football game tickets auctioned to Dr. Colby Smith!  It was a blow-out.

Merchant minute
 by Jolie, General Mgr of 800 Degrees Pizzeria.  Mark endorsed and said it was good pizza ;) which is Neapolitan style.  She provided us a quick history of pizza - that it was a 17th century treat made for a queen.  In the 1800s, added cheese to the soft and chewy crust and if you notice it is a little soggy in the middle, that is the way it's supposed to be.  Traditionally you eat Neopolitan style pizza with a fork and knife and the back story is that it takes one minute to cook your pizza at 800'degrees (thus the name) You get to make your pizza your way with the toppings and amount you desire.  The premise is Quick gourmet service with great customizable sodas too. It is Located at Lindbrook and Westwood for pizza, beer, ice cream, custom sodas 11:00am to 2:00am everyday and they hope to see us there.

Our speaker, Dr. Richard J. Jackson, has done extensive work in the impact of the environment on health, particularly relating to children. Dr. Jackson chaired the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Environmental Health. He did extensive work on pesticides in California, and has also focused on epidemiology, infectious diseases and toxicology. Over the past decade much of his work has focused on how the 'built environment' including how architecture and urban planning affect health. He recently served on the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Architects and has written and spoken extensively in the above areas. Currently, Dr. Jackson has been working on policy analyses of environmental impacts on health ranging from toxicology, chemical body burdens, terrorism, sustainability, climate change, urban design and architecture. In addition, he is developing policy analyses in related areas, such as how farm, education, housing, and transportation policies affect health.
As an introduction, he grew up in north Jersey near the oldest superfund site so saw radiant exposure and grew up knowing about environmental issues.
Showed slides of father in war, courtship, family Aug. 17, 1949 at 27 he died of polio and left a widow with three boys.  At age 4, Jack was now man of family so public health is a great value of his. As a former director at the CDC in Atlanta, he encouraged overseas polio training and is very grateful to Rotary.

Discussing obesity in children -

The environment we have is rigged against our health as students, doctors, our nation's cost on healthcare used to be 7% now 19% of our nations cost!

100 years ago leading cause of death were infectious diseases. Today it is due to overweight. We are being shaped by the built environment -the advent of the car is a perfect example. Another example, from 7M to now 37M in state Fourfold increase in anti depressant use of population in the prime of their life.  Also now have worst air pollution in towns with most cars.  There is a very strong Obesity and diabetes correlation, not mentioning the  costs of obesity to society. Kids who walk to school do better in school.  He also suggested, No drug works better for mild to moderate depression than walking!
Attempt to walk 10,000 steps a day if you walk 7,000 steps one day make up and walk 12,000 the next.  It's easier to build into your day than you think!)  You can purchase a pedometer at any Sports Chalet etc. for $10
Opt to Take the stairs
Light rail users weighed less from simply walking to and from use of light rail He is encouraging policy to Create spaces that encourage movement, biking, walking, activity such as stairs  build things don't just do things
Book:  Making Healthy Places and Designing Healthy Communities
-YYE Aly Shoji

Westwood Village
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 24114, Los Angeles, CA 90024-0114
Meets: Thursday, 12:30 PM, UCLA Faculty Center
480 Charles Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095


Club President - Dwight Heikkila
(310) 820-6090

President Elect
Mark Rogo

Vice-President/Club Service
Leah Vriesman
(310) 844-4224

Secretary – Aly Shoji
(310) 301-3014

Treasurer - Don Nelson
(310) 472-9488

Past President - Ed Jackson
(800) 214-3810

Community Service - John Heidt
(310) 474-0938

International Service
Marsha Hunt
(310) 500-9828

Vocational Service
Richard Thompson
(310) 408-2822

New Generations Service
Jim Crane
(310) 733-6783

Rotary Foundation Chair
Steve Day
(310) 670-5013

Publicity/Public Relations
Mike Newman
(310) 208-7723

Membership - Colby Smith
(310) 948-9198

WVRC Auxiliary
Eloise Siskel
(310) 472-2509

Sook Heikkila
(310) 820-6090

Sakuji Tanaka

Lew Bertrand

NEARBY MAKEUP SITES: Monday, Beverly Hills: BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset / Tuesday, Inglewood: Hollywood Park Casino, 3883 W. Century Blvd, Inglewood / Wednesday, Century City: Hyatt Regency Century City, in the Breeze Cafe, Culver City: Culver City Elks Club, 11160 Washington Blvd., Culver City, or  Wilshire: The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, LA / Friday, Santa Monica: Riviera Country Club, 1250 Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades
For information about on-line makeups,