The Windmill
Program Chair:  Mark Rogo August 15,  2013
This Week...
August 22
Dr. Matt Malkan
"Origins, the Grand Philosophical Question"


August 29
Jim Crane & UCLA Rotaract
"Our Future Leaders Run the Meeting!"

September 5
Eric Loberg & Mike Newman
"Senior Craft Talks"
August 22
Dr. Matt Malkan
"Origins, the Grand Philosophical Question"
August 29 
Jim Crane & UCLA Rotaract
"Our Future Leaders Run the Meeting!"

President Mark Rogo welcomed everyone to the friendly Westwood Village Rotary and invited PP Leo Tseng to lead our pledge.  I always appreciate that before Leo leads us in our pledge to be grateful and appreciative of our fine country.  PP Ed Gauld provided this week's invocation.

Paul Aslan sang Clementine over and over and over!
Guests this week included Jonathan Kim formerly from the Westlake Village Rotary and Jim Collins' youngest son, Mike Collins.  Welcome gentlemen!
President Rogo issued fines to the members at our head table today:
Diane Good no pin $15

Terry White $50 no tie (for the first time in his perfect attendance for decades! The Shock!!)

Tom Barron $50 for being in the newspaper for Catholic Charities and without a Rotary tattoo on his face! ;) Tom then added an additional $50 to his fine b/c from this Sterling advertisement he realized, he  never materialized Donald Sterling to our club as he once offered.
President Mark gave us our Rotary History moment today from 1922
  • Steve Day passed out raffle tickets for RI Dinner in November
  • Dick Thompson shared about the Literacy Breakfast and the Salvation Army was there
  • We are having a social meeting instead of a regular lunch meeting in Oct.  It will be Wed night, Oct. 30 at Hillcrest Country Club 6:00p.m. WVRC will be Dark on Oct 31 for our regularly scheduled meeting - please take note.
Our speaker today was introduced by our PE, Aly Shoji, who has staffed Dr. Anne Coscarelli for the last couple of years at UCLA.  Dr. Coscarelli is a psychologist, the Director of the Simms/Mann Center for Integrative Oncology at UCLA and has conducted research on quality for end of life care specifically relating to Cancer for the last 33 years.  There are many Cancer Centers across the nation that can cut the tumor out or provide radiation or chemotherapy but the Simms/Mann Center provides psycho-social services in addition to these clinical services as a special component of our cancer care.  For example if you're a survivor and concerned about recurrence there are meditation groups or a husbands group for those who's wife had breast cancer, or a children's group if a parent receives a diagnosis.  She will share and articulate the services they offer, mostly for free, that include psychologists, social workers, a chaplain, nutritionists etc.  Please give a warm welcome to Dr. Anne Coscarelli.
Medicine Alone is Not Enough:  A Model for Integrative Oncology Care by Anne Coscarelli, Ph.D., Founding Director for the Simms/Mann Center for Integrative Oncology at UCLA started by sharing it was nice to be back in the company of Rotarians as the last time was in 1971 when she won the CA State speech contest and shared her speech to Rotary.  In addition, her Father was a Rotarian in Long Beach so she has a lot of respect and familiarity with our organization.  
Dr. Coscarelli started by showing a video about Psychological Reactions to Diagnosis and Recurrence of Cancer and shared her "Coscarelli's Law of Cancer," For every physical effect, there is an equal reactive psychological effect.  And the Impacts of Cancer including all aspects of an individual's and the FAMILY's functioning that is often forgotten:  Psychological, physical, spiritual, social, sexual, work/economic.
Cancer is a FAMILY disease.  The devastating effects go beyond the patient and the tagline for the Center has been, "The Center exists when Medicine is not Enough."  She provided an overview
  • To describe the integrative approach to cancer care for patients and families touched by cancer
  • Simms/Mann Center celebrating their 20th year!
The Center's Mission Statement:  A center of integrative oncology...maintaining wellness, maximizing health, and complementing the best oncologic practices and scientific research through individualized care offered by a multidisciplinary team committed to enhancing the physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of people touched by cancer.
She continued by describing some of the staff and trainees of the Center and how they hope this model of care will be replicated into all cancer centers.  
  • The psychological counseling/support/crisis intervention is offered to individuals, couples, families (children who parents have cancer)
  • Group Programs include Integrative Therapy Groups/Workshops, e.g., Art Therapy, Qi Gong, Meditation and relaxation, mindfulness, acupressure, and a Spirituality Group with a circle of reflection
  • Psychological Based Support Groups/Workshops include: early stage breast cancer, surgical education prior to surgery, Survivors (NED and no treatment), Metastatic Cancer for women only and for men and women, young adults (20's and 30's), Young Breast Cancer Survivorship Workshop, Husbands/Partners of Women with Cancer, Difficult Conversations:  End of Life Issues
  • Psychiatry Services, evaluation, and medication management
  • Integrative Oncology Specialist with individual wellness assessments/interventions such as nutrition, dietary supplementation, bioelectrical impedance, recommendations and referrals for other complementary therapies, Fee for Service
  • Annual Monthly Lecture Series - Insights Into Cancer which have featured traditional Western Cancer Treatment, traditional Chinese medicine, integrative medicine therapies, nutrition, coping, spiritual care
  • Spiritual Care includes: visits in chemotherapy suites, individual consultation, circle of reflection - monthly group, memorial for Center staff, tea for the soul clinic and nursing staff
  • Reflections Boutique in the 200 Building within UCLA Medical Plaza provide for physical appearance issues with hats, wigs, scarves, mastectomy bras, prosthesis, and high quality selected dietary supplements
  • Other services include content based newsletter, resource materials in the Center, and content based website: 
What makes this Center unique?  All their programs and services are located under one roof, there is a large team of psychosocial oncology professionals with multiple disciplines, provision of care in clinics side by side physicians in multiple locations across sites, and most services are without any fees.
They are funded by donations, fees (integrative oncology specialist and some psychiatry), revenue from Reflections.  They do not have an endowment and do NOT receive revenue from the University.

Does the Simms/Mann Center Meet the Four Way Test?  A resounding YES as she reflected on each point and how the Center shares this idea of Service Above Self.

I'm sure our members were able to see her remarkable dedication to our patients and the services the Center provides. She shared her "three children" are Makena - 29, Katelyn - 27, and the Simms/Mann Center - 20.

If Dr. Coscarelli had three wishes:
*    Cancer could be prevented
*    Cancer could be cured for everyone
*    Cancer patients and their families receive optimal integrated medical, psychosocial, spiritual and psychiatric care throughout the continuum of cancer treatment and survivorship

YYE Aly Shoji

Westwood Village
Mailing address: P.O. Box 24114, Los Angeles, CA 90024-0114
Meets: Thursday, 12:30 PM, UCLA Faculty Center
480 Charles Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095


Club President

Mark Rogo

(213) 280-6415


President Elect 

Aly Shoji

 (310) 592-4893  


Vice-President/Club Service
Colby Smith

(310) 948-9198



Ann Samson 

 (310) 577-2307



Terry M. White

(310) 704-5802


Immediate Past President

PP Dwight Heikkila

(323) 573-3009




Doug Baker

Community Service

 Diane Good 

(818) 706-6838 


International Service
Marsha Hunt

(310) 500-9828   


Youth Service 

(310) 733-678


Interact Chair

Ann Samson

(310) 577-2307


RI Pilot  Program

PP Ed Jackson

(310) 836-9085 


Directors At-Large

Paul Aslan

 (310) 666-3925   

AG Gordon Fell

 (310) 839-0478

PP Don Nelson

 (310) 472-9488

Brian Whitney

(310) 210-8394

Vocational Service   (310) 408-2822  

Rotary Foundation Co-Chairs
PP Steve Day

(310) 670-5013 

AG Gordon Fell

(310) 839-0478


WVRC Foundation Endowments

PP Don Nelson

(310) 472-9488


Social Media

PP Ron Lyster

(310) 400-0678


Membership Co-Chairs

Tom Barron

(310) 476-3871

David Friedman

(818) 439-1669

Meeting Setup

Ralph Beasom

(310) 472-8023


Visitor Check-in

Phil Gabriel

(310) 985-4488


Membership Directory

 PP Don Nelson 

(310) 472-9488



Paul Aslan

 (310) 666-3925



PP Peter More

 (310) 502-2933

PP Richard Thompson

(310) 408-2822


WVRC Auxiliary President

 Sook Heikkila

(310) 820-6090

Ron Burton
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NEARBY MAKEUP SITES: Monday, Beverly Hills: BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset /Tuesday, Inglewood: Hollywood Park Casino, 3883 W. Century Blvd, Inglewood / Wednesday, Century City: Hyatt Regency Century City, in the Breeze Cafe, Culver City: Culver City Elks Club, 11160 Washington Blvd., Culver City, or  Wilshire: The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, LA / Friday, Santa Monica: Riviera Country Club, 1250 Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades.  For information about on-line makeups,