The Windmill
Program Chair:  Paul Aslan September 12, 2013
This Week...
September 19

Religious Panel:


September 26


Ron Ziedler

"The Barter System"


Jack Knight

"Operation Gratitude"

September 19
Religious Panel
"Issues of the Day"
September 26
Ron Ziedler "The Barter System"
Jack Knight "Operation Gratitude"
President Mark was BACK - HOORAY, we've missed you! Our International Avenue of Service Chair, Marsha Hunt led the pledge with Past President, Bobby Wessling providing our invocation. 
"Frankie" Paul Aslan led us in a revised song of ?

  • Past President, Uncle Leo Tseng, announced we have an itinerary for the SF/Chinatown club visit at the end of Oct 25-27 and it's pretty exciting if you are on the fence about participating.
  • Past President, Bill Goodwyn, announced Dinner with your Ex is now on Oct 12 and Oct 19 Please sign up and to mark on your calendars we are DARK onOct 31 (Halloween meeting) but meeting at Hillcrest Country Club the night before, Wednesday, Oct 30 with spouse and past merchant minute presenters from our community.
  • Tuesday, Nov 26, is the combined meeting in Downtown at LA Live with SM and downtown LA club before the big UCLA beat USC game!

  • Zachary shared about the young professionals group that is being re-launched. Currently there are three members with their first meeting on Oct. 9 at Tom Barron's home for this group. If you know someone interested, please forward this information

Introduction of guests included visiting Rotarian Assistant District Governor, Linton Morgan and Zachary Brandler. Andrew Thomas, our merchant minute today, the Executive Director of the Westwood BID (business improvement district). It was lovely have members from our beautiful auxillary, Eloise Siskel and Pat Anderson. 
Andy Thomas shared during his Merchant Minute that The Westwood Village Improvement Association (BID) is a non-profit organization whose mission it is to make Westwood Village a clean, safe and friendly place for the community through maintenance, security and enlivening programs. The WVIA leads the District by taking positions on district-wide short and long term opportunities, and considering matters such as city planning and zoning, parking, events and other services that promote increased tenant recruitment and retention, business, values and investment.
The WVIA is governed by a 14-member Board of Directors comprised of property owners, merchants and a UCLA representative. The WVIA receives $1.3 million annually from assessments on 120 properties within the District. They are located at 10880 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 117 I Los Angeles, CA 90024 Their phone number is 310-470-1812 and their website is:
President Mark called your P.E., Aly Shoji, up and thanked her for covering his Demotion party, first meeting of the year in August and last meeting in August and then the first meeting in September! And gave her a sweet but unnecessary gift - THANK YOU, Mark (and Lynn! ;) I hear I'll be back up at the podium the first week in Oct! 
President Mark then recognized our leadership at the District level, old and new by again, thanking ADG Linton Morgan and past DG our own Bill Goodwyn and announced another of our very own and past DG Andy Anderson was our Rotarian of the month and his bride graciously accepted on his behalf and we loved seeing the pic of the clubs recent visit with you both! For members that cannot be with us as much, please know we all think of you often in so many ways and stories. Congratulations, Andy!
Today's program is a legal panel brought to you by your President Mark Rogo. 

Jeff Winikow- former workers rights lawyer, Anthony Mohr and Jennifer Turner
Our first speaker decided to address issues that would most affect or be of interest to the many small business owners, in our club so he started with the areas of accommodation. In CA, cases in discrimination etc have the American Disability Act and the CA Fair employment and housing act. Disability and Comp carriers tend to not be sensitive to the employers as there are regulations that are required.
Jennifer Turner- what is an accommodation? Anything that enables you to do your job Unpaid leave up to a year is considered reasonable in CA. Accommodations are not always a special chair or back brace, it can be time off to see a doctor if diabetic, making sure to provide a Lactation room, or chairs to sit if employee is forced to stand for long periods of time.
Jurors are worker committees of 12. Another esteemed panelist discussed independent contractor employee or joint employee issues. The courts look at economic method for the ends to the means and the worker IS an employee so employer has the duty to pay overtime, workers comp many issues courts will unravel the paper trail or walking in a mine field. Biggest ramifications usually involves wage, Was it minimum wage? Paid on time, Also subcontractors, a small business with high turnover is susceptible to class action suits which is usually 25 employees and above but they've seen as as small as 7 and are often favored in employee cases to get $ to workers and pay lawyers. Record retention policy is important, written and electronic, and the burden is on employee to keep these records of pay and time cards etc if hourly technology accounts for time outside of work place Discrimination vs accommodation. Few failure to hire cases.
YYE  Aly Shoji

Westwood Village
Mailing address: P.O. Box 24114, Los Angeles, CA 90024-0114
Meets: Thursday, 12:30 PM, UCLA Faculty Center
480 Charles Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095


Club President

Mark Rogo

(213) 280-6415


President Elect 

Aly Shoji

 (310) 592-4893  


Vice-President/Club Service
Colby Smith

(310) 948-9198



Ann Samson 

 (310) 577-2307



Terry M. White

(310) 704-5802


Immediate Past President

PP Dwight Heikkila

(323) 573-3009




Doug Baker

Community Service

 Diane Good 

(818) 706-6838 


International Service
Marsha Hunt

(310) 500-9828   


Youth Service 

(310) 733-678


Interact Chair

Ann Samson

(310) 577-2307


RI Pilot  Program

PP Ed Jackson

(310) 836-9085 


Directors At-Large

Paul Aslan

 (310) 666-3925   

AG Gordon Fell

 (310) 839-0478

PP Don Nelson

 (310) 472-9488

Brian Whitney

(310) 210-8394

Vocational Service   (310) 408-2822  

Rotary Foundation Co-Chairs
PP Steve Day

(310) 670-5013 

AG Gordon Fell

(310) 839-0478


WVRC Foundation Endowments

PP Don Nelson

(310) 472-9488


Social Media

PP Ron Lyster

(310) 400-0678


Membership Co-Chairs

Tom Barron

(310) 476-3871

David Friedman

(818) 439-1669

Meeting Setup

Ralph Beasom

(310) 472-8023


Visitor Check-in

Phil Gabriel

(310) 985-4488


Membership Directory

 PP Don Nelson 

(310) 472-9488



Paul Aslan

 (310) 666-3925



PP Peter More

 (310) 502-2933

PP Richard Thompson

(310) 408-2822


WVRC Auxiliary President

 Sook Heikkila

(310) 820-6090

Ron Burton
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NEARBY MAKEUP SITES: Monday, Beverly Hills: BH Hotel, 9641 Sunset /Tuesday, Inglewood: Hollywood Park Casino, 3883 W. Century Blvd, Inglewood / Wednesday, Century City: Hyatt Regency Century City, in the Breeze Cafe, Culver City: Culver City Elks Club, 11160 Washington Blvd., Culver City, or  Wilshire: The Ebell, 743 S. Lucerne Blvd, LA / Friday, Santa Monica: Riviera Country Club, 1250 Capri Dr, Pacific Palisades.  For information about on-line makeups,